Faculty Profiles
Meet Our Faculty
The College of Education's faculty members have excellent teaching records and are actively engaged in research and other scholarly activities, including service to the University, the community, and the field of education. These pursuits enable them to be at the cutting edge in their respective fields and to advance the knowledge base for those fields of study and for education in general. In addition, faculty members hold offices in professional organizations and make substantial contributions as members of College and University committees.
Agosto, Vonzell - vagosto@usf.edu - (813) 974-3422
Aliaga, Oscar - oaliagaabanto@usf.edu
Allsopp, David - DAllsopp@usf.edu - (813) 974-3274
Arthur, Stephanie - sat2@usf.edu
Ashley, Candi - cashley@usf.edu - (813) 974-4980
Ault, Haley - hrault@usf.edu
Banack, Arianna - abanack@usf.edu
Bennett, Susan - sbennet3@usf.edu - (727) 873-4531
Berson, Ilene R. - iberson@usf.edu
Berson, Michael J. - berson@usf.edu - (813) 974-7917
Black, William - wrblack@usf.edu - (813) 974-6097
Blank, Jolyn - jblank@usf.edu
Bombaugh, Michelle - bombaugh@usf.edu - 813-974-2576
Bradley-Klug, Kathy - kbradley@usf.edu - (813) 974-9486
Braunstein, Lauren - isaacl@usf.edu - (813) 974-3246
Brice, Alejandro - aebrice@usf.edu - (727) 873-4827
Buckner, Samuel - slbuckner@usf.edu - (813) 974-0155
Byrd, Marie - marieb@usf.edu - (941) 359-4534
Campbell, Bill - bcampbell@usf.edu - (813) 974-4766
Castillo, Jose - jmcastil@usf.edu - (813) 974-5507
Chen, Yi-Hsin - ychen5@usf.edu - (813) 974-4964
Chiodini, Maureen - maureen10@usf.edu - (813) 974-3440
Chu, Yiting - yitingchu@usf.edu
Cobb-Roberts, Deirdre - cobbrob@usf.edu - (813) 974-8119
Cranston-Gingras, Ann - cranston@usf.edu - (813) 974-1387
Cruz, Barbara C. - bcruz@usf.edu - (813) 974-2817
Dart, Evan - edh@usf.edu - (813) 974-8220
Davis, Eric - esdavis1@usf.edu - (813) 974-0040
Dedrick, Robert - dedrick@usf.edu - (813) 974-5722
Doone, Elizabeth - edoone@usf.edu - (813) 974-9929
Dukes, Lyman - ldukes@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Dumford, Amber - dumford@usf.edu - (813) 974-4697
Dunn, Mandie - mdunn8@usf.edu - (813) 974-3533
Ellerbrock, Cheryl - ellerbro@usf.edu - (813) 974-3535
Evanovich, Lauren - evanovich@usf.edu
Ferron, John - ferron@usf.edu - (813) 974-5361
Fisk, Nathan - fisk@usf.edu - (813) 974-8354
Flory, Sara - sbflory@usf.edu - (813) 974-4765
Frier, Aimee - adfrier@usf.edu - 813-974-3246
Govoni, Jane - jgovoni@usf.edu - (941) 359-4647
Gunn, AnnMarie - gunn@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Guo, Wenyu - guow@usf.edu - (813)-974-1398
Gupton, Jarrett - jgupton@usf.edu - (813) 974-0030
Hadley, Elizabeth - hadleye@usf.edu
Hamm-Rodriguez, Molly - mhammrodriguez@usf.edu
Han, Sophia - han1@usf.edu - (813) 974-1028
Haraf, Sam - sharaf1@usf.edu
Hatten, James - jameshatten@usf.edu - (813) 974-8354
Henry, Candace, M. candacehenry@usf.edu - 813-974-0247
Hensberry, Karina - khensberry@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Hernandez-Gantes, Victor - victorh@usf.edu - (813) 974-1277
Jacobs, Jennifer - jjacobs8@usf.edu - (813) 974-7522
James, Waynne - wjames@usf.edu - (813) 974-0034
January, Stacy-Ann - sajanuary@usf.edu - (813) 974-0439
Johnson, Larry - johnsonl@usf.edu - (727) 873-4052
Karanxha, Zorka - karanxha@usf.edu - (813) 974-6040
Karnegie, Jennefer - khattabi@usf.edu - (727) 873-4178
Kiefer, Sarah - kiefer@usf.edu - (813) 974-0155
Kilpatrick, Marcus - mkilpatrick@usf.edu - (813) 974-8127
Kim, Eun Sook - ekim3@usf.edu - (813) 974-7692
Knab, Jordan - jknab@usf.edu - (727) 873-4661
Kozdras, Deborah - dkozdras@usf.edu - (813) 974-2175
Lambrev, Veselina - veselina@usf.edu
Lancaster, Chloe - clancaster2@usf.edu - (813) 974-8330
Lang, William - lang@usf.edu - (727) 873-4572
Latzke, Randi - rlatzke@usf.edu
Lawrence, Kahlila - kglawrence@usf.edu - (813) 974-1255
Liontas, John - liontas@usf.edu - (813) 974-3534
Lopez, Lisa - lmlopez@usf.edu - (813) 974-1260
Lou, Yiping - ylou@usf.edu - (813) 974-7886
Mann, John - jlmann@usf.edu
- jmariano@usf.edu - (941) 359-4731
Martinez, Nic - nmartinez@usf.edu - (813) 974-3443
Michael, Deanna - dmichael@usf.edu - (727) 873-4577
Miller, Thomas - millert@usf.edu - (813) 974-4934
Moore, LaSonya - llmoore@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Nagy, Noémi - nnagy@usf.edu
Nieman, Craig - niemanc@usf.edu
Osborn, Terry - terryosborn@usf.edu - (941) 359-4282
Outlaw, Janet - jkoutlaw@usf.edu
Panos, Alexandra - ampanos@usf.edu - (813) 974-1383
Park, Sanghoon - park2@usf.edu - (813) 974-8354
Pei, Bo - bpei@usf.edu
Permuth, Steve - permuth@usf.edu - (813) 974-1287
Persohn, Lindsay - lpersohn@usf.edu - 813-974-2536
Puglisi, Dick - dpuglisi@usf.edu - (813) 974-2175
Reck, Brianne - breck@usf.edu - (941) 359-4277
Reiser, Natalie - natalier2@usf.edu - 813-974-3460
Richards, Janet - jrichards@usf.edu - (813) 974-0596
- helene2@usf.edu - (941) 359-4364
Rodriguez-Campos, Liliana - liliana@usf.edu - (813) 974-5247
Rolle, R. Anthony - (813) 974-3400
Rosengrant, David - rosengrant@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Sabella, Laura - lsabella@usf.edu - (813) 974-4947
Schneider, Jenifer Jasinski - jschneid@usf.edu - (813) 974-1057
Sears, Ruthmae - ruthmaesears@usf.edu - (813) 974-2172
Semon, Sarah - ssemon@usf.edu - 813-974-1260
Shapiro, Arthur - shapiro@usf.edu - (813) 974-3421
Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth - Shaunessy@usf.edu - (813) 974-7007
Shen, Ye - yeshen@usf.edu
Sherry, Michael B. - mbsherry@usf.edu - (813) 974-3533
Smith, Glenn - glenns@usf.edu - (813) 974-7922
Smith, Patriann - psmith4@usf.edu - (813) 974-1062
Suldo, Shannon - suldo@usf.edu - (813) 974-2223
Sun, Haichun - (813) 974-0119
Tadlock, Martin
Tan, Tony - tan@usf.edu - (813) 974-6496
Thalji-Raitano, Amanda - athalji@usf.edu
Topdemir, Cynthia - ctopdemi@usf.edu - (813) 974-9932
Unal, Zafer - unal@usf.edu - (727) 873-4803
Van Ingen, Sarah - vaningen@usf.edu
Vanover, Charles - vanover@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Vernon-Jackson, Sandra - sajackson@usf.edu - (727) 873-4155
Vomvoridi-Ivanovic, Eugenia - eugeniav@usf.edu - (813) 974-3533
von der Embse, Nathaniel - natev@usf.edu - (813) 974-5247
Walker, Brenda L. - brendawalker@usf.edu - (813) 974-1385
Willingham, Brandon - bwillingham@usf.edu
Wilt, Beth - wilt@usf.edu
Wolgemuth, Jennifer - jrwolgemuth@usf.edu - (813) 974-7362