Faculty Profiles
Dr. Patriann Smith
Professor, Literacy Studies

Email Address: psmith4@usf.edu
Phone Number: 813-974-1062
Office Location: USF Tampa campus EDU 202-R
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Patriann Smith is a professor at the . Dr. Smith's transdisciplinary research considers how literacy teaching, research, assessment, and policy are influenced by the intersection of race, language and immigration.
Dr. Smith examines specifically, how differences in languages, Englishes, and English language ideologies affect Black Caribbean students’ immigrant literacy practices as they cross cultures and languages between their home countries and the United States. She draws from the Black Englishes and Black literacies of Afro-Caribbean immigrants, other Black immigrants in the United States (i.e., African), and Black American students (i.e., African-American) to propose solutions that advance ‘transraciolinguistic justice’. Through her transnationally focused scholarship, Dr. Smith has proposed ‘a transraciolinguistic approach’ to explain how Englishes and the language ideologies that inform the use of these Englishes, both challenge and create affordances for cross-cultural, cross-racial, and cross-linguistic literacy instruction. She has also proposed the framework for ‘Black immigrant literacies’, the concept of ‘translanguaging with Englishes while Black,’ and the notion of ‘raciosemiotic architecture’ to clarify the elements involved in Black youth literacies as their translanguaging is transracialized across borders.
Dr. Smith has published 3 books and over 70 articles and book chapters in journals such as the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ), Teachers College Record (TCR), Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean (JEDIC) and International Multilingual Research Journal (IMRJ). She continues to extend her research by comparing insights about Black immigrant Englishes and Black immigrant literacy practices in international literacy assessment and transcultural teacher education to that of other native Black populations in the United States, Africa, and the Caribbean. An overview of Dr. Smith’s research is available on and . Her description of a transraciolinguistic approach is available in the Classroom Caffeine and the voicEd Radio .
Dr. Smith currently serves as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Literacy Research Association (2020-2023) and as Co-Principal Investigator of the $3.6 million USAID funded Caribbean Educational Research Initiative: RISE Caribbean.
Dr. Smith is author of the book “” and co-author of the book “” published by Teachers College Press.
Leadership Positions
- Faculty Senate Parliamentarian: (USF) (Incoming: 2023-)
- Elected Board Member: (LRA) (2020-2023)
Program Area Co-Chair: Literacy Research Association, Literacy Assessment and Policy (2019-2020)
Member: USF Faculty Success Teaching and Learning Advisory Panel (2020-)
Member: USF Graduate Council Policy and Fellowship Committee (2020-)
Elected Member: USF COE Faculty and Student Success Affairs Committee (2020-2022)
(Elected) Chair: USF LLEEP Governance Committee (2019-2022)
Member: Review Committee with Task Force for USF's Understanding and Addressing Blackness and Anti-Black Racism in our Local, National, and International Communities Grant Proposals (2019)
- Section Editor: (2020-)
- Guest Editor: (2018-2020)
- Executive Board Member: (2019-) [Invited]
- Associate Editor, (2019-) (Invited)
- Co-Editor, (2018-) (Invited)
- Editorial Boards:
- (2021-) (Invited)
- (2020-) (Invited)
- (2017-) (Invited)
- (2016-) (Invited)
- Newsletter Editor: (TESOL) (2015-2017) (Invited)
- (NABE) Journal of Research and Practice (2013-) (Invited)
- Reading Horizons (2013-) (Invited)
- |Literacy Research, Theory, Methods and Practice (2012-2016) (Invited)
- Journal of Reading Education (2010-2012) (Invited)
- Committee Chair: (LRA) Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Travel Award Committee (2016-) (Invited)
- Committee Member:(LRA) Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Travel Awards (2016-)
- Committee Member: (LRA) Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Committee (2015-2018) (Invited)
- Committee Chair: (AERA) Language and Social Processes SIG Emergent Scholar Awards (2016-2017) (Invited)
- Committee Member: (AERA) Language and Social Processes SIG Emerging Scholar Awards (2016) (Invited)
- Literacy Champion/Project Manager, Balanced Literacy Action Research Writing Workshop Partnership, East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood Grant, Lubbock Independent School District (LISD), Lubbock, TX (2015/2016-2017)
- Caribbean Regional Representative: (LRA) International ICG (2014-2015) (Volunteered)
- Committee Member: (AERA) Bilingual Education Research SIG Outstanding Dissertation Award (2015)
- Committee Member: (AERA) Bilingual Education Research SIG Early Career and Lifetime Achievement Awards (2014)
- Executive Board Member: Parliamentarian: (LRA) (2013-2016) (Invited | Appointed)
- Committee Member: (IRA) Literacy, Diversity, and Multiculturalism Committee (2013-2016) (Invited)
Honors and Awards
- Global Excellence Research Award, USF World, USF (2022)
- Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award, Research and Innovation, USF (2021)
- Integrated Scholar Award, Office of the Provost, Texas Tech University (2019)
- Congratulatory Note, Student Government Association, Senate Resolution 54.116, Texas Tech University (2019)
- Raiders Who Rock Unsung Hero, Texas Tech University (2019)
- President’s Excellence in Diversity and Equity Award, Texas Tech University (2018)
- President’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas Tech University (2018)
- Outstanding Paper Award, Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy, International Literacy Association (2018)
- Scholars of color Transitioning into Academic Research (STAR) Institutions Award, (LRA) (2017-2018)
- Texas Tech Alumni Association New Faculty (University Research | Teaching) Award, Texas Tech University (2017)
- The President’s Gender Equity Council, Women’s Studies, and University Writing Center Women’s Faculty Writing Program (WFWP) Inaugural Fellow, Texas Tech University (TTU) (2016)
- Language and Social Processes (LSP) Special Interest Group (SIG) Emerging Scholar Award, (AERA) (2015)
- (IRA) Reading Hall of Fame (RHOF) Emerging Fellow, Reading Hall of Fame (2013-2017)
- Certificate of Recognition, Mentor and Mentor Cluster Leader, Mentor Tech, Texas Tech University (2016-2017)
- Certificate of (District) Recognition, Chief Engineer of Opportunity, Literacy Champion Coordinator, AVID, (LISD) (2017)
- Certificate of (District) Recognition, Literacy Champion for Dunbar College Preparatory Academy (DCPA), AVID District Family Night, (2016)
- Institute for Inclusive Excellence, Texas Tech University (TTU) (2015-2016)
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Fall (2013), Spring (2014), Summer (2014), Fall (2014), Spring (2015)
- Award for Dedicated Service, Parliamentarian, (2013-2016)
Courses Taught
- LAE 6317: Teaching Composition in Elementary Classrooms (Masters/Online) [8-week] (2022)
- LAE 4414: Diverse Children's Literature (Undergraduate/online) (2021)
- LAE 7718: Linguistics in Literacy (Doctoral/Online/Hybrid) (2020|2023)
- RED 6846: Practicum in Reading (Masters/Online) (2020|2021|2022)
- RED 6247: Supervision in Reading (Masters/Online) (2020|2021)
- RED 6544: Cognition, Content and Comprehension (Masters/Online) (2020)
- RED 6749: History and Foundations of Reading (Masters/Online) (2019|2020|2021| 2022)
- LDLS 6350: Research Methods in Language, Diversity, and Literacy (Doctoral/Online) (2019)
- EDBL 5337: Teaching Strategies for ESL and Content-Area Teachers of Limited-English Proficient Students (2019)
- EDLL 5356: Trends and Issues in Adolescent Literature (2018)
- LDLS 6343: Global Literacy (Doctoral/Online) (2018)
- EDCI 6333: Diversity Ideologies (Doctoral/Online) (2017 | 2018 | 2019)
- EDLL 5346: Increasing Reading Proficiency for all Readers (Doctoral/Masters/Online) (2016 | 2017 | 2019)
- EDLL 5341: Developing Academic Literacy in the Disciplines for Adolescents (Masters/Online) (2017 | 2019)
- EDLL 5342: Classroom-Based Literacy Assessment for Differentiated Instruction (Doctoral/Masters/Online) (2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019)
- EDLL 6341 | EDCI 6345: Trends and Issues in New Literacies: New Literacies for the 21st Century (Doctoral/Masters/Online) (2016 | 2017 | 2018)
- EDLL 5351: Children’s Literature in the School Curriculum Doctoral/Masters/Online) (2016)
- CI 475: Teaching Elementary Reading and Language Arts I (Undergraduate/Blended) (2015)
- CI 502: Introduction to Reading (Graduate/Online) (2014)
- CI 576: Assessment-Based Reading Instruction (Graduate and Online) (2014 | 2015)
- CI 577: Clinical Practicum in Reading (Graduate/Blended) (2014)
- CI 446: Culture in the Classroom (Graduate and Undergraduate/Online) (2014)
- CI 575: Assessment in Reading (Graduate/Online and Blended) (2013 | 2014)
- RED 6514: Reading Process in the Elementary Grades (Graduate/Blended) (2013)
- LAE 6314: Writing and Writers: Trends and Issues (Graduate/Online) (2013)
- RED 6545: Issues in Vocabulary and Word Study (Graduate/Online) (2012)
- LAE 4314: Teaching Writing in Elementary Schools (Undergraduate/Blended) (2012)
- LAE 4414: Literature in Childhood Education (Undergraduate/Blended) (2012)
- RED 4310: Reading and Learning to Read (Undergraduate/Blended) (2011)
- RED 4511: Linking Literacy Assessment to Instruction (Undergraduate/Blended) (2011)
Warrican, S.J. (Principal Investigator), Smith, P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Leacock,
C.J. (co-Investigator). (2021). RISE Caribbean: Caribbean Educational Research Initiative:
Higher education partnership between the University of the West Indies and the University
of South Florida. Prepared for the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID). ($3,687,918.96) (funded). [Interdisciplinary | International | Community
Engaged] [Role on Proposal: USF Project Coordinator, Literacy Researcher, Qualitative
Grant Management Progress and Milestones (2021-):
- The Caribbean Educational Research Center (CERC) was officially launched in September 2021.
- The RISE Caribbean Cross-Cultural Mentorship Network (CCMN) Moodle site is launched to house all course and research material and resources engaged with by various faculty and stakeholders as part of the project.
- Five (5) USF Research Mentors -- Professors Drs. Robert Dedrick, James King, Deirdre Cobb-Roberts, Eunsook Kim -- assigned to 2 Research Fellows and 3 Research Assistants in Barbados as of 2021.
- Two (2) USF Instructional Faculty -- Professors Drs. Robert Dedrick & Jolyn Blank -- assigned to and taught summer qualitative and quantitative courses in Summer Year 1, 2021.
- Beyond this, USF faculty and a doctoral student -- Drs. Constance Hines, Connie Walker, Jim Hatten, Jennifer Wolgemuth, Maria Valcarlos, Eunsook Kim -- worked to prepare four asynchronous courses on program evaluation, quantitative research, and qualitative research in Summer Year 1, 2021. These four training courses, all of which have been completed, will be used to provide forthcoming training to emerging researchers and practitioners at the CERC in Barbados. The training will be offered beginning 2023.
- Cross-Cultural Research Mentorship Network (CCMN) monthly meetings began in earnest in 2021 and continued throughout each academic year. These meetings include attendance by all USF faculty assigned to the grant, UWI Research Fellows and UWI Research Assistants.
- Two (2) USF Instructional Faculty -- Professors Drs. Robert Dedrick and Jennifer Wolgemuth -- were assigned to and taught summer qualitative and quantitative courses in Summer Year 2, 2022.
- The USF faculty traveled with Dr. Patriann Smith and with Dr. Constance Hines to Barbados for the RISE Summer Institute coordinated there in 2022. RISE Caribbean USF faculty and Dr. Smith travelled to deliver summer coursework and research mentorship in Summer Year 2, 2022. The Cross-Cultural Mentorship Network Summer Institute involved research mentorship and instruction of Research Fellows, Research Assistants, and practitioners from Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Three faculty served as USF Research Mentors and 2 faculty served as Instructors for two quantitative and qualitative classes.
- Ten (10) Research Assistants enlisted in 2022 in addition to the 3 original scholars in 2021 and one (1) Research Fellow is added to the team.
- Research Fellows and Assistants submitted manuscripts to journals, presented at conferences, submitted CV’s for feedback, supplied research narratives for review, and presented numerous other artifacts for feedback post-summer institute held in 2022.
- The CERC institutional repository for research and the RISE Caribbean website both developed and launched in 2022/2023.
- A USF Project Facilitator and Technology Specialist as well as a Research Assistant have been enlisted to support preparation for the RISE Caribbean Conference and the RISE Summer Institute in 2023.
Plans are underway to have RISE UWI colleagues travel to AERA 2023 where they will present a symposium with USF faculty and to USF for the 2023 RISE Caribbean conference to be held at the Patel Center for Global Solutions where they will also present with USF faculty. RISE UWI colleagues are in the process of preparing podcasts with the support of Dr. Lindsay Persohn in advance of the conference. The Keynote for the conference has been identified as Dr. Allison Skerrett.
Plans are underway for UWI project members to travel for the 2023 RISE Caribbean Conference at USF in Tampa.
Plans underway for the RISE Summer Institute at The UWI Cave Hill in Barbados in Year 3, 2023.
Preparation is underway for The RISE Caribbean conference to be held at USF in Spring 2023.
McEachron, B., Larmond, E., Johnson Austin, S., Smith, P. Passport 2 Literacy. (2019). The Caribbean Community Association’s receipt of the 2020 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, administered by the Hillsborough Community College Equity, Diversity and Special Programs, Tampa, FL. ($3870.00). (funded) (09/2019-01/20/2020) [Community Engaged Service Grant] [Role: Event Coordinator]
Smith, G. (Principal Investigator), Smith, P. (co-Investigator), Sherry, M. (co- Investigator), & Drobitz, J. (co-Investigator). (2020). Collaborative responsive writing in web-based eBooks to improve literacy. Prepared for the COEDU Creative Research Grant. ($10,000.00) (funded) [Interdisciplinary | [Role on Proposal: Literacy Researcher]
Smith, G. (Principal Investigator), Smith, P. (co-Investigator), Sherry, M. (co-Principal Investigator), & Drobitz, J. (co-Principal Investigator). (2020). Interactive eBooks for online learning, with games and social interaction. Prepared for the COEDU Mini Grant. ($5000.00) (funded) [Interdisciplinary | [Role on Proposal: Literacy Researcher]
Hetherington, C. (Principal Investigator), Zak, J. (co-Principal Investigator), Dwyer, J. (co-Principal Investigator), Smith, P. (Co-Principal Investigator), Borst, S. (co-Principal Investigator), S-STEM Track II: Educating future scientists and mathematicians from rural and underserved regions. National Science Foundation (02/01/20-02/01/2025) [Interdisciplinary] [Role: Theorist and Educational Researcher] ($999,999.00).
Serwadda, A. (Principal Investigator), Dwyer, J. (co-Principal Investigator). Maina, F. (Senior Personnel), Hewett, R. (Senior Personnel), Jin, F. (Senior Personnel), Smith, P. (Key Personnel), Moskal, B. (Senior Personnel). (2017). Applied data science for cyber security. National Science Foundation. ($600,000). (funded). (06/01/18-05/31/21) [Interdisciplinary] [Role: Educational Researcher and Pedagogical Innovator: Ceased]
Smith, P. (Principal Investigator). (2018). Problematizing (il)legitimacy of Englishes across the diaspora. Scholarship Catalyst Program. Offices of the President, Provost, and Vice President for Research & Innovation, Texas Tech University. (06/01/18-05/31/20) ($4000.00)
Dwyer, J. (Principal Investigator), Lesley, M. (co-Principal Investigator), Smith, P. (Co-Principal Investigator), & Lee, J. (co-Principal Investigator). (2017-2018). College and Career Readiness standards review and revision project - English/Language Arts and Mathematics (CCRS-ELAM). Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. [Interdisciplinary]Division of Institutional Diversity and Office of Community Engagement Grant, Texas Tech University (2016) ($96,000.00)
Smith, P. (Principal Investigator). Understanding the English(es) of foreign-born teacher educators. (2016-2019). Texas Tech University’s Division of Institutional Diversity, Outreach and Community Engagement. ($1000.00)
Engaged (Community) Outreach
Executive Board Member, Caribbean Community Association of Tampa Bay, Tampa, FL (2019-2021)
Literacy Champion Project Manager, Balanced Literacy Action Research Writing Workshop Partnership, East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood Grant, Lubbock Independent School District (LISD), Lubbock, TX (2016- 2017)
Literacy Champion, Balanced Literacy, East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood Grant, Lubbock Independent School District (LISD), Lubbock, TX (2015-2017)
Reading Clinic Coordinator, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL (2013-2015)
Authored Books
Smith, P. (2023). . Teachers College Press.
Willis, A., McMillon, G., & Smith, P., (2022). . Teachers College Press.
Smith, P. (Under Contract: 2022). Black immigrant literacies: (Trans)languaging for 'success'.
Cambridge University Press.
Smith, P., Warrican, S.J., & Karkar-Esperat, T. (Under Contract: 2024). Teaching for transraciolinguistic
justice: Critical literacy across the diaspora. Cambridge University Press.
Edit Books
Smith, P., & Kumi-Yeboah, A. (2015). IGI Global.
Watson, V., Knight-Manuel, M. & Smith, P. (Under Contract, 2023). African-immigrant youth: Schooling, education and civic engagement in the global African diaspora. Teachers College Press.
Special Issues
Smith, P. (Guest Editor) (2020). . (Volume 122, Number 13). Teachers College Record.
Razfar, A. & Smith, P. (Accepted, In preparation: 2021). Love through narrative: Advocacy through immigrant literacies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Selected Journal Articles
Smith, P. (Invited, 2023). Black Englishes. In X.L. Curdt-Christiansen & C. Weninger (Eds.), Linguistics volume of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Carol Chapelle, Ed., 2nd edition). Section: Literacy and Linguistic Diversity. Wiley Blackwell. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781405198431
Smith, P. (Invited, 2023). Translanguaging in Black immigrant literacies. In W.S.E. Lam & R. Darvin (Eds.), Literacy volume of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Carol Chapelle, Ed., 2nd edition). Section: Literacy and Linguistic Diversity. Wiley Blackwell. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781405198431
Willis, A., Waldron, C., Croom, M., Smith, P., Machado, E. (Invited, 2023). Transcendent literacies. A panel in response to Dr. Arlette Willis’s Oscar S. Causey Award Address at the Literacy Research Association. Literacy Research: Theory, Method and Practice.
Smith, P. (Accepted). “I want them to see the real us not just what they what they want us to be…”: Cultivating a ‘Literate Language of the Soul’ for radical hope." Literacy Practice and Research.
Smith, P. (Invited, 2022). A call for raciolinguistic epistemologies: Transnational languaging of immigrant literacy teacher educators. In Saskia VanIngen, Sunny Man Chu Lau, & Michelle MingHue Gu (Eds.), Critical race approaches to language education: 20th Anniversary Volume. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
Smith, P. (Invited, Accepted, 2022). Centralizing place as past(s), present(s), future(s): Hybridities of literate identities and place in the life of a Black immigrant scholar. Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives: Michigan State University Press Journals.
Edwards, P. & Smith, P. (Invited, Submitted, 2022). From illiterate assumption to literate potentiality: Harnessing the possibility of Parent of Color Stories. In M. Souto-Manning (Ed.), Journal of Contemporary Early Childhood Education.
Smith, P. (Invited, Submitted, 2021). Conceptualized the notion of “raciosemiotic architecture.” Subsequently retracted from publication. From ‘language’ to ‘raciosemiotic’ architecture through new literacies for equity in classrooms. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
Edwards, P., Smith, P., & McNair, J. (2022). In R. Tierney, Fazal Rizvi, Kadriye Ercikan (Eds.): Literacies & Languages Volume (In D. Yaden & T. Rogers, Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Edition). Elsevier.
Smith, P. (Invited, 2022). (In A. Mackey, Ed., Themed Issue: Social Justice). Annual Review of Applied Linguistics,
42, 109-118. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0267190522000046. [2019 5 Year Impact
Factor: 4.032| 2019 Scopus CiteScore: 16/830 in Language and Linguistics | 2019 SJR:
15/938 in Linguistics and Languages | 13/884 in Language and Linguistics | H5-Index:
Warrican, S.J., Alleyne, M., Smith, P., Karkar-Esperat, T., Zaidi, R., Chen, Y., &
Yin, Y. (2022). Research in Comparative and International Education, 17(1), 3-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/17454999211057449
[Impact Factor: 1.50]
Smith, P., Smit, J., Finch, B., Nigam, A., & Burke, D. (2022). . Berkeley Review of Education, 11(1), 5-40. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/B811145763 Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/85k213fn. [with District Partner]
Smith, P., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2022). . Reading Research Quarterly, 57(1), 59-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/rrq.375 [5
Year Impact Factor: 3.896 | 2019 Impact Factor: 4.340 | H-Index: 77 | Q1 | SJR: 2.06]
Smith, P. (2022). The Reading Teacher, 75(5), 545-554. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.2073 [2020
Impact Factor: 1.632 | 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.281]
Smith, P. & Warrican, S.J. (2021). . Literacy Practice and Research, 46(2), 1-20. DOI: 10.25148/lpr.009638 [Acceptance
Rate: 50%] [with International Partner]
Kiramba, L.K., Kumi-Yeboah, A., & Smith, P. (2021). . Multicultural Education Review.
Smith, P., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2020, Advance online publication). . Reading Research Quarterly. DOI:10.1002/rrq.375 [5 Year Impact Factor: 3.896 | 2019 Impact Factor: 3.543 | H-Index: 77 | Q1 | SJR: 2.06]
Smith, P. & Warrican. S.J. (2020). . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education, Fall Edition. [with International Partner]
Hotchkins, B. & Smith, P. (2020). . Teachers College Record, 122(13). [5 Year Impact Factor: 1.727 | 2018 Impact Factor: 1.072]
Smith, P. (2020). . American Educational Research Journal, 57(1), 106-147. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831219850760
Smith, P. (2020).. The Urban Review, 52, 351-275. DOI:
Smith, P. (2020). . Teachers College Record, 122(13). Published at USF.
Smith, P. (2020). . Literacy Research: Theory Method, and Practice, 69.
Smith, P., Warrican, S.J., & *Alleyne, M.L. (2020). . International Multilingual Research Journal, 14(3), 248-269. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2019.1710042 [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P., Warrican, S.J., Kumi-Yeboah, A., Cheema, J., & *Alleyne, M.L. (2020). . Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, 18(2), 111-165. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46425/j518021775 [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P., *Karkar, T., *Varner, J., Nigam, A., & Finch, B. (2020). . Review of Education, 8(2), 380-415. [with Doctoral Students]
Smith, P., Kim, D., Vorobel, O., & King, J. (2020). . Review of Education, 8(1), 37-114. DOI: 10.1002/rev3.3170
Smith, P., *Varner, J., Nigam, A., *Liu, Y., Lesley, M., Smit, J., *Burke, D., & *Beach, W. (2019). Action in Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2019.1658657
Smith, P. (2019). Theory into Practice, 58(3), 292-203. DOI:10.1080/00405841.2019.1599227 [Invited]
Smith, P., Kumi-Yeboah, A., Chang, R., & Lee, J. (2019). Journal of Black Studies.
Smith, P. (2018). Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 263-274.
Smith, P., Warrican, S. J., Kumi-Yeboah, A., & Richards, J. (2018). Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 210-222.
Smith, P., Cheema, J., Kumi-Yeboah, A., Warrican, S. J., & Alleyne, M. L. (2018). Teachers College Record, 120(1), 1-36. [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2018). International Journal of Testing, 1-21.
Louis, D., Thompson, K. V., Smith, P., Williams, H. M. A., & Watson, J. (2017). The Urban Review, 49(4), 1-24.
Smith, P., & Richards, J., Gutierrez, S., Schaffer-Rose, J., & Kumi-Yeboah, A. (2017). Literacy Practice and Research, 42(3), 7-15. [Invited] [Outstanding Paper Award: International Literacy Association] [with Doctoral Students]
Smith, P. (2016). Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Sage Publications Special Volume), 3(2), 194-202. [Invited] [Best New Journal in Social Sciences: 2019 PROSE Awards]
Commissioned Reports
Willis, A. I., Smith, P., Kim, J. & Hsieh, B. (2021). Racial justice in literacy research. Literacy Research Report. Literacy Research Association.
Selected Chapters in Books and Encyclopedias
Smith, P. & Warrican, S.J. (Invited, 2022). “The bilingual advantage”: Bilingual preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of new literacies. In C. Finkbeiner & R. Zaidi, Z. Roy-Campbell & D. Pallais, C. Ikpeze & B. Buch (Eds.), Redirecting the flow of knowledge: From the individual to the local to the national to the international perspective. Information Age Publishing.
Smith, P., Warrican, S.J. &, Karkar-Esperat, T., & Kumi-Yeboah, A. (Invited, 2022). Rethinking race in research on migration: Transnational literacies as tool. In E. Shizha & E. Makwarimba (Ed.), Intersectionality, transnationality and immigrant lives: Critical issues and approaches to international migration. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Smith, P. (Invited, 2022). (Re)mixing Englishes, (re)li(ea)ving literacies, (re)inventing self. In R. Zaidi (Ed.), Shifting linguistic landscapes: A new terrain for multilingual and transcultural pedagogies. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Edwards, P., Smith, P., & McNair, J. (Invited, Submitted, 2022). Family literacies: Culturally relevant literacies in early childhood with children and families of color. International Encyclopedia of Education.
Smith, P. (In press, 2021). Migrating while multilingual and Black: Beyond the '(bi)dialectal' burden. In E. Bauer (Ed.), Enhancing bilingual education: A transdisciplinary lens for improving learning in bilingual contexts. New York, NY: Routledge.
Edwards, P. McNair, J., & Smith, P. (Invited, In preparation). Family literacies: Culturally relevant literacies in early childhood with children and families of color. International Encyclopedia of Education.
Smith, P., & *Hajek, S. (2021).. In G. Li, J. Hare, & J. Anderson, (Eds.), Superdiversity and teacher education. New York, NY: Routledge. [with Doctoral Student]
Warrican, S.J., Kumi-Yeboah, A., **Smith, P., & *Alleyne, M.L. (2020). Fostering Senegalese immigrant students’ language and literacy learning: Experiences and academic achievement. In A. Cooper & A. Ibrahim (Eds.), Black voices matter: Black immigrants in the United States and the politics of race, language, and multiculturalism. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. [with Doctoral Student & International Partner]
Smith, P. (2017). In G. Noblit (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Smith, P., Warrican. S. J., & Williams, G. (2017). Towards transculturalism in tackling diversity for literacy teacher education. In J. Roswell & R. Zaidi (Eds.), (pp. 191-214). New York: Routledge.
Refereed Guest Edited Special Issues | Yearbooks
Watson, V., Smith, P., & Brown, A. (In preparation, 2023). Diasporic tellings of race, literacies, joys,
and geographies in Black African immigrant youth. Research in the Teaching of English.
(Editors: Dr. David Bloome & Editorial Team).
Smith, P., Cremin, T., Kucirkova, N. & Collier, D.R. (In preparation, 2023). Literacy for social
justice: Charting equitable global and local practices. United Kingdom Literacy Association
(UKLA): Literacy: Guest Appearances by Professors Drs. Arlette Willis and Barbara
Razfar, A. & Smith, P. (2022). Algorithm of love: Insights from immigrant literacies and narratives. International
Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 35(6), 565-568.
Smith, P. (2020). Clarifying the role of race in the literacies of Black immigrant youth. Teachers College Record. Volume 122, Number 13.
Newsletter Publications, Media Productions & Media Mentions
The Washington Informer. Recent & recommended books on improving Black literacy. Retrieved
The Literacy Research Association December 2022 President’s Message on “Transcendent Literacy”. Retrieved from
RISE Caribbean initiative celebrates Year 1 of project, prepares for expanded research collaborations in the future. Retrieved from /education/blog/2022/rise-caribbean-initiative-celebrates-year-1-of-project.aspx
Puget Sound Educational Service District: Washington: Labels or Limitations: Recommendations
for Asset-Based Language for Multilingual Learners:
Literacy Research Association (LRA) Introducing LRA Leaders. (2021). LRA February/March 2021 Newsletter. Retrieved from
Literacy Research Association (LRA) Message from the President. (2021). LRA April 2021 Newsletter. Retrieved from
Literacy Research Association (LRA) Racial Justice in Literacy Webinar. (2021). LRA July 2021 Newsletter. Retrieved from
Literacy Research Association (LRA) Research Committee Virtual Series. (2021). LRA August 2021 Newsletter. What is ethical and socially responsible research? Retrieved from
Literacy Research Association (LRA) STAR Fellows in LRA Leadership. (2021). LRA August 2021 Newsletter. Retrieved from
USF associate professor launches interdisciplinary research center in partnership with Caribbean university. (2021). College of Education. Retrieved from /education/blog/2021/associate-professor-launches-interdisciplinary-research-center-caribbean-university.aspx
Associate professor receives USF Outstanding Research Achievement Award. University of South Florida College of Education. (2021). Retrieved from /education/blog/2021/associate-professor-receives-usf-outstanding-research achievement-award.aspx
USF Faculty Members Recognized with Outstanding Research Achievements Awards. University of South Florida. (2021). Retrieved from /research-innovation/news/2021/faculty-outstanding-research-achievement-awards-22.aspx and .
Development of grant-funded educational research center underway in Caribbean. (2021).
The Oracle. Retrieved from
Smith, P. (2021). Beyond anti-Blackness in bilingual education: Looking through the lens of the Black immigrant subject. American Educational Research Association Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group Newsletter, Spring Edition. [Invited]
Smith, P. (2021). . voicEd Radio.
Smith, P. (2021). . International Literacy Research Association Literacy Now Blog.
Smith, P. (2021). . American Educational Research Association Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group Newsletter, Spring Edition. [Invited]
Higher Education Grants or Gifts of Interest to African Americans. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. Retrieved from .
News Break. (2021). USF College of Education assistant professor to establish Caribbean educational research center through $3.6 million grant. Retrieved from .
New America Education Policy. (2021). Looking beyond the ‘typical’ English learner: the intersectionality of Black English learners in U.S. public schools. Retrieved from .
. (2021). USAID Awards COEDU Assistant Professor Patriann Smith $3.6 Million Grant. Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean. Retrieved from the College of Arts and Sciences.
. (2021). USAID Awards COEDU Assistant Professor Patriann Smith $3.6 Million Grant Anti-racism: Office of the President. Retrieved from The Office of the President.
. (2021). USF World celebrates Dr. Patriann Smith's $3.6 million USAID Award to establish an interdisciplinary educational research center in the Caribbean. Retrieved from USF World.
. (2021). USF Newsroom: USF College of Education assistant professor to establish Caribbean educational research center through $3.6 million grant. Retrieved from the Newsroom.
Literacy Research Association Series of Collaborative Panel Discussions. (2021). Advancing Anti-Racism in Literacy Research. Retrieved from .
Childress, R. (2021). Literary research group seeks systemic on racial justice in field. Associations Now: Association perspectives. Retrieved from .
Trinidad Newsday. (February 7, 2021). Let's use literacy to open minds. Retrieved from .
College of Education News Stories. (2020). Literacy Studies program collaborates with Caribbean Community Association in Passport 2 Literacy event. Retrieved from the College of Education.
Smith, P. (2020). . London School of Economics and Political Science United States American Politics and Policy (LSE USAPP) Blog.
Smith, P., Kumi-Yeboah, A., Chang, R., Lee, J., & Frazier, P. (2020). . London School of Economics and Political Science United States American Politics and Policy (LSE USAPP) Blog.
Schneider, J., Hadley, E., Panos, A., Smith, P., & Richards, J., Bennett, S., Gunn, A., Persohn, L., Frier, A., & Krause, M. (2020). . .
Smith, P. (2019). The Daily Toreador.
Smith, P. (2018, January/February). Literacy Today, 34-35. International Literacy Association (ILA).
Smith, P. (2017, March). Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS).
Smith, P. (2016, February) , The Texas Tribune.
Smith, P. & Balyasnikova, N. (2015-2017). International Communication Interest Section Newsletters, Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL).
Anderson, A., Smith, P., Schneider, J. J., & Frier, A. D. (2015, March). Live! From Mount Olympus. Retrieved from .
Selected Invited Presentations/Talks
Smith, P. (Invited, In Preparation, 2023). Languaging transnationality: Complicating (anti-)Blackness. In Themed Webinar Series (Sue Kasun, Dr. Renata Love Jones, Jessica Scott, Ana Solano-Campos, Eds.), 2022-2023 Webinar Series with the Center for Transnational and Multilingual Education, Georgia State University, Virtual.
Smith, P. (2023). “But I’m not Black, I’m West-Indian”: Afro-Caribbean literacies of language, color and migration. To be presented in Honor of Caribbean Heritage Month by the Broward County Florida Library. Virtual.
Smith, P. (2023, February). Keynote: Racialized Englishes: A call for translanguaging research in multilingual ‘English-Speaking’ classrooms. Honoring of the Life of Dr. Benji Chang. University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG). Virtual.
Willis, A., McMillon, G., & Smith, P. (2023, February). Featured Speaker: Affirming Black Students’ Lives & Literacies: Bearing Witness. University of Northern Iowa (UNI). Virtual.
Smith, P. (2022, February). . AERA Writing & Literacies SIG Twitter Chat. Invited by Dianne Wellington. Indiana University.
Austin, T. (Host) with Smith, P. (Guest). (2022, February). . Critical Conversations NJTESOL-NJBE Critical Conversations (Expert Guest for Season 2). Invited by Dr. Tasha Austin, NJBE Teacher Education SIG: Rutgers.
Smith, P. (2022, September). USF Network Caribbean Launch. Panel presented virtually by USF World.
Smith, P. (2022, July). . TESOL BELPAF-Global Education Summer Symposium, Virtual.
Smith, P. (2022, December). Ethnicity, Race and Multilingualism Committee, International ICG, and Multilingual and Transnational ICG, Literacy Research Association on (hosted by Kristen Pratt, Lina Trigos & Matt Deroo), AZ.
Smith, P. (2022, March). Migrating while multilingual and Black: Beyond the “(bi)dialectal” burden. Bilingualism Matters, (hosted by Dr. Eurydice Bauer & Lenny Sanchez), University of South Carolina, Virtual.
Smith, P. (2022, February). American Educational Research Association (AERA) (hosted by Dianne Wellington & Team), Indiana University, IA, Virtual.
Smith, P. (2022, June). Contributions of Caribbean immigrants to literacy in America. Presented at the Broward County Libraries Division: Caribbean American Heritage Month.
Persohn, L. (Host) with Smith, P. (Guest). (2021, November). . Available via Classroom Caffeine, Apple Podcasts, Buzz Sprout, Amazon Music, Spotify, Listen Notes. Retrieved from
Zaidi, R. & Hurley, S. (Hosts) with Smith, P. (Guest). (2021, March). . voicEd Radio. Available on Spreaker.
Smith, P. (2021, October). Preparing anti-racist language teachers for diverse classrooms: A transraciolinguistic approach. University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Lee, C., McMillon, G., Yaden, D., Walker-Dalhouse, D., Brock, C., & Smith, P. (2021, December). NAEd /LRA Civic reasoning and discourse. Presented at the 2021 Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, P. (2021, December). Report on research methodologies in LRA. Presented at the 2021 Literacy Research Association’s (LRA’s) Research Committee Symposium, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, P. (2021, December). Translanguaging while Black: An imperative for racio(linguistic) justice in Englishes across the diaspora. Presented at the 2021 Literacy Research Association’s (LRA) Multilingual and Transnational Innovative Community Group (ICG) Study Session, Atlanta, GA.
Smith P. (2021, November). USF World: Global engagement panel. Presented online at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
Smith P. (2021, September). Ethical and socially responsible literacy research: “Terminology” & “Racelessness”. Presented at the LRA Virtual Event on Ethical and Socially Responsible Literacy Research. Research Committee, Literacy Research Association, Virtual Series.
Smith, P. (Webinar Organizer and Coordinator). (2021, August). Racial justice in literacy research. Webinar organized, coordinated and presented by Literacy Studies in collaboration with David Anchin Center and the Literacy Research Association (100+ participants). Tampa, FL.
Smith, P. (2021, May). Translanguaging in Black immigrant literacies. Presentation to the Oakland University Doctoral Class on Linguistics.
Smith, P. (2021, May). Harnessing the power of the research agenda. Presentation to the School of Education at North Carolina Central University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Smith, P. (2021, April). “Rac(e)ing toward language for children in a ‘post-colonial’ Caribbean. Shortwood College, Jamaica, West Indies.
Smith, P. (2021, March). Transformational leadership for social impact. Presentation to the University of the Southern Caribbean Leadership Workshop, Transformational Leadership: Social Impact and Civic Engagement.
Smith, P. (2021, February). Silencing invisibility: A framework for Black immigrant literacies: How does the Black immigrant literacies framework apply to the Canadian context? Presentation to the University of Calgary Doctoral Class on Linguistics.
Smith, P. (2021, February). Qualitative research methods. Presentation to the University of Trinidad and Tobago Qualitative Research Class.
Smith, P. (2020). Towards a bridge for clarifying challenges with the conceptualization of translanguaging: Insights from Black immigrant literacies. Paper prepared for presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Bilingualism Matters conference, Columbia, SC.
Alvermann, D., Medina, C., Smith, P., Brooks, M., Nyachae, T., & Brownell, C. (2018, November). Re-envisioning literacy research. Re-envisioning LRA: An intergenerational panel. Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.
Willis, A., Wetzel, M., Garcia, G.E., & Smith, P. (2018, November). Culturally responsive literacy instruction study group. Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.
Smith, P. (2018, March). Language in the classroom: Addressing power and privilege. Presentation at the Institute for Inclusive Excellence, Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Smith, P. (2016, March). Re (Positioning) non-standardized Englishes in literacy: Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic insights. Language and Social Processes Special Interest Group Newsletter. American Educational Research Association.
Smith, P. (2015, August). The central role of culture to advancing literacy and language across nations. Presentation at the high-level summit: A new era - embracing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Culture as an Imperative for Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda. The UNESCO Center for Global Education, New York, NY.
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
Omogun, L., Nalubega-Booker, K., Frieson, B. Presiado, V. (Submitted). In Chair (Omogun, L.) & Discussant (Smith, P.). (Re)defining multilingualism: A collective conversation about Black youth multilinguistic experiences across spaces. Symposium proposal submitted to the 2023 Literacy Research Association Meeting.
Smith, P. (Accepted). Opening literacy doors through translanguaging: Transraciolinguistics for a global world. Paper to be presented at the World Literacy Summit. Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Smith, P. (2023, March). Transraciolinguistics for (re)imagining entanglements of racialized languages and peoples. Presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.
Smith, P. (2023, March). Colloquium: Shifting raciolinguistic ideologies. Presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.
Laxmi, O., Li, G., Chen, E., Deroo, M., Cardenas, L., Axelrod, A., & Sun, Z. (Accepted). Leveraging transnational funds of knowledge for more equitable education for multilingual learners. In V. Watson (Chair & Session Organizer) and Smith, P. (Invited Discussant), Symposium to be presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Watson, V., Knight-Manuel, M., & Berends, M. (Accepted). Vice Presidential Session: African immigrant youth: schooling, education, and civic engagement in the African diaspora. In V. Watson (Chair & Session Organizer) and Smith, P. (Invited Discussant). Symposium to be presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Warrican, S.J., Smith, P., Leacock, C.J., Hines, C., King, J., Dedrick, D., Cobb-Roberts, D., Kim, E., Walker, C., Mahon, E., Roberts, J., Hyatt, T., & Auld, J. (Accepted). In Chairs (S.J. Warrican & P. Smith) & Discussants (T. Esnard & A. Hunte), Transforming the future of educational research: RISE Caribbean. Symposium to be presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Smith, P., Chen, Y., Yin, Y., Michels, J., Leacock, C.J., Hunte, A., & Kumi-Yeboah, A. (Accepted). Beyond dichotomized representations of ‘language at home’ on PISA: Insights from Black immigrant literacies. Paper to be presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Kumi-Yeboah, A. & Smith, P. (Accepted). Perspectives of West African-born immigrant students’ socio-cultural and academic experiences in United Stated public schools. Paper to be presented at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Ibrahim, A., Chang, B., Willis, A., & P. Smith (Symposium Organizer), Watson, W., Zaidi, R. (Symposium Co-Organizer) & McMillon, G. (2022, April). Critical literacy for racial justice: Cultivating equity through intersectionality. Presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Smith, P. (2022, April). Race(in)g critical literacy: An Afro-Caribbean immigrant perspective. In A. Ibrahim, B. Chang, A. Willis, P. Smith (Symposium Organizer), V. Watson, R. Zaidi (Symposium Co-Organizer) & McMillon, G., Critical literacy for racial justice: Cultivating equity through intersectionality. Symposium and included paper prepared for presentation at the 2022 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Smith, P. (2020, December). Ideological tensions across Englishes: Implications for literacy education. Presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Virtual Conference.
Smith, P. (2020, December). Nuances in teacher enactment of a transraciolinguistic approach. In (M. Metz, Symposium Organizer and Presenter; D. Martinez, Chair and Discussant; K. Seltzer, Presenter, Melinda Orzulak, Presenter), Disrupting a Standard Language Ideology: Exploring tensions in teachers’ evolving metalinguistic & raciolinguistic awareness. Presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Virtual Conference.
Smith, P. (Accepted Symposium). [Session Organizer and Presenter]. Clarifying the role of race in the literacies and Englishes of ‘Black immigrant’ youth. In A. Razfar (Discussant). In conjunction with E. Braden, K. Bryan, A. Butler, B. Hotchkins, L. Kiramba, M. Knight-Manuel, V. Watson. Symposium and included paper prepared for presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Schneider, J.J., Jones, M., & Smith, P. (2020). On deficits, dominance, and the eradication of culture: Toward imaginative, access-promoting pedagogies. Paper presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the JoLLE conference, Athens, Georgia.
Bauer, E. Sanchez, L. & Smith, P. (2020, January). “I have magic in my mouf!” Racialized translanguaging practices of emergent multilinguals. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference for School Effectiveness and Improvement. Morocco.
Smith, P. (2020, December). The case for translanguaging in Black immigrant literacies. Paper to be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) conference, Tampa, FL.
Smith, P., Lee, J., Chang, R., & Karkar, T. (2020, December). Language self-identification and reading literacy performance among ‘First World’ and ‘Third World’ youth. Paper to be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) conference, Tampa, FL. [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P. (2020, December). Applying for higher education careers: Navigating the high-stakes job market. In A. Gunn (Chair), Alternative session to be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) conference, Tampa, FL.
Smith, P., Lee, J., Chang, R., & Karkar, T. (Accepted). Language self-identification and reading literacy performance among ‘First World’ and ‘Third World’ youth. Paper to be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) conference, Tampa, FL. [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P. (Accepted). Applying for higher education careers: Navigating the high-stakes job market. In A. Gunn (Chair), Alternative session to be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA) conference, Tampa, FL.
Smith, P., Lee, J., Chang, R., & Thompson, T. (2019, April). Language self-identification in the international reading literacy of Black American and immigrant youth. Paper presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Toronto, Canada. [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P. (2019, April). (Re)Positioning the Englishes of a Black transnational youth. Paper presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Toronto, Canada.
Rose, C, Karkar, T., & Smith, P. (2019, April). Englishes as a site of colonial conflict: (In)Congruence between former teachers’ ideologies and literacy practices. Paper presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Toronto, Canada. [with Doctoral Students]
Smith, P., Naqvi, R., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2018, April). Contextualized and comparative language differences in the literacy assessment of U.S. and Canadian youth. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Varner, J., Nigam, A., Smith, P., Karkar, T., Rodriguez, N., Thompson, T., Gutierrez, S., & Kumi-Yeboah, A. (2018, April). Literacy teacher educators’ development of multilingual and multicultural awareness through a research-practice partnership. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY. [with Doctoral Students]
Kumi-Yeboah, A., Smith, P., & Acquah, A.O. (2018, April). Cross-cultural educational experiences and challenges: Voices of Black African-born adolescent immigrants in United States schools. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Smith, P., Willis, A., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2018, April). Language self-identification and difference in the reading literacy achievement of African-American and Afro-Immigrant students. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Smith, P. (2018, November). Centralizing place as past(s), present(s), future(s): Towards a hybridity of literate identities and place in the life of a Black immigrant scholar. In M. Gort (Chair), "Place, space, race": Examining how STAR Fellows' home and community literacy and language traditions shape their scholarly and educator identities. Paper presented as part of the Scholars of color Transitioning into Academic Research institutions (STAR) Fellows Research Showcase at the 2018 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Gutierrez, S. & Smith, P. (2018, November). Prisms of promise: Mapping public school teachers’ cultural and linguistic pedagogically responsive practices using frequency analyses. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA. [with Doctoral Student]
Smith, P. (2018, December). STAR Program cross-cohort showcase and mentoring session. Paper presented as part of the Scholars of color Transitioning into Academic Research institutions (STAR) Cross-Cohort Showcase and Mentoring Session at the 2018 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Smith, P. (2018, November). “Some people just make everything about race!”: Culturally relevant literacy pedagogy and my Black daughter. In J. Schneider (Chair), Twelve angry women: Observing against ourselves as parents and literacy educators. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Smith, P., Lee, J., & Chang, R. (2018, November). Characterizing competing tensions in the literacies of Black immigrant youth. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Watson, V., Bryan, K., Smith, P. [Symposium Organizer], Kiramba, L., Braden, E., & Naqvi, R. (2018, November). ‘Invisible no longer’: Centralizing race for conceptualizing the English literacies of Black immigrant bidialectal youth. In A. Razfar (Chair), Love through advocacy: Clarifying the invisible literacies of immigrant youth. Symposium presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Kumi-Yeboah, A., & Smith, P. (2017, May). The multiple worlds of Ghanaian-born immigrant students and academic success. Paper presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX.
Smith, P., (2017, December). Characterizing the English(es) of non-standardized English-speaking literacy teacher educators. Paper presented in the Scholars of color Transitioning into Academic Research institutions (STAR) Ethnicity, Race, and Minority session at the 2017 annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Tampa, FL.