Faculty Profiles

Dr. Jennifer Jacobs

associate Professor, elementary education

Jacobs headshot

Email: jjacobs8@usf.edu
Phone: (813) 974-7522

Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Elementary Education Program at the ßÙßÇÂþ»­. She holds a doctoral degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education from the University of Florida. Jennifer’s research is situated within the context of teacher education.

The progression of her research projects and publications provides evidence of a fluid movement between preservice teachers, inservice teachers/teacher leaders, and teacher educator learning. Investigating this overarching theme of teacher learning across the continuum of teacher education includes understanding and building the contexts that facilitate teacher learning. Specifically understanding school-university partnerships as contexts for teacher learning and understanding the national context to facilitate teacher learning.The second strand includes understanding specific processes facilitating teacher learning within these contexts. Specific areas of investigation within these two strands include teacher leadership, practitioner inquiry, and job-embedded professional learning.

Jennifer has published in journals such as Teaching and Teacher Education, Action in Teacher Education, Studying Teacher Education, and Professional Development in Education. She currently serves as editor of the Journal of Practitioner Research. She serves as president-elect of the National Association of School University Partnerships.


  • Snow, J.G., Jacobs, J., Pignatosi, F., Norman, P., Rust, F., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Naiditch, F.,Nepstad, C., Roosevelt, D., Mace, D., Kosnik, C., & Warner. C. (2023). Making the Invisible Visible: Identifying Shared Functions that Enable the Complex Work of University-based Teacher Educators. Studying Teacher Education, 1-25.
  • Burns, R. W., Jacobs, J., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2020) A framework for naming the scope and nature of preservice teacher supervision in clinically based teacher preparation: Tasks, high-leverage practices, and pedagogical routines of practice. The Teacher Educator, 55(5), 214-238.
  • Jacobs, J, Babaeer, S.*, & Alrouqi, F*. (2019). Looking to our Past to Re-envision our Future: A Co/Authoethnographic Study of Teacher Candidate Supervision Across International Contexts. Studying Teacher Education, 15(3),296-316.
  • Jacobs, J., Hogarty, K., & Burns, R. W. (2017). Elementary preservice teacher field supervision: A survey of teacher education programs. Action in Teacher Education.
  • Burns, R.W., Jacobs, J., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2016). The changing nature of the role of the university supervisor and function of preservice teacher supervision in an era of clinically-rich practice. Action in Teacher Education, 38(4), 410-425.
  • Burns, R. W., Jacobs, J., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2016). Preservice teacher supervision within field experiences in a decade of reform: A comprehensive meta-analysis of the empirical literature from 2001-2013. Teacher Education and Practice, 29(1), 46-75.
  • Jacobs, J., Gordon, S.P., & Solis. R. * (2016). Critical Issues in Teacher Leadership: A National Look at Teachers’ Perception. Journal of School Leadership, 26(3), 374-406.
  • Jacobs, J., Yendol-Hoppey, D., & Dana, N.F. (2015). Preparing the next generation of teacher educators: The role of practitioner inquiry. Action in Teacher Education, 37(4), 373-396.