News Site


  1. Landing Homepage Features
  2. Listing Homepage Features
  3. Editing a News Site Homepage

Users can choose between a Landing or Listing Homepage for their news site.

Landing Homepage Features

The Landing Homepage is a manually curated page that offers multiple options to display visual content, articles, and information.

There are two options for Landing Homepages:


The Basic Landing Homepage offers:

Spotlight Section

  • Large Image
  • Pop-up Video
Screenshot of Spotlight Section of Basic Homepage on a news site

Feature Stories (3 or 5 - optional)

Screenshot of Article Section of Basic Homepage on a news site



This option is the most involved and requires the most maintenence.

The Enhanced Landing Homepage offers:

Spotlight Section:

  • Large Image
  • Full-Width Image
  • Pop-up Video
Screenshot of Spotlight Section of Enhanced Homepage on a news site

Feature Stories (3 or 5 - optional)

Screenshot of Featured Stories Section of Enhanced Homepage on a news site

Highlighted Content Section

Screenshot of Highlighted Content Section of Enhanced Homepage on a news site


Listing Homepage Features*

The Listing Homepage is an automatically curated feed-view that organizes articles chronologically.

There are two options for Listing Homepages:


The Basic Listing Homepage offers:

  • Linked Title, Publish Date
Screenshot of Basic Listing page on a news site


This option requires a Listing Image.

The Enhanced Listing Homepage offers:

  • Linked Title, Publish Date, and Type Display (optional)
  • Listing Summary and Image
Screenshot of Enhanced Listing page on a news site


*News sites with a Landing Homepage also include a Listing Page (Landing Homepage + Listing Page). However, a Listing Page can serve as a new site's Homepage (Listing Page only).

Editing a News Site Homepage

Landing and Listing Homepages are created by the UCM Digital Team when setting up news sites — changes to the homepage can be made in the news site's "_props" and "index" files. For any questions on editing a news site homepage, please submit a .

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