College Reach-Out Program


The College Reach Out Program (CROP) at the ßÙßÇÂþ»­ (USF) offers a comprehensive range of services designed to support the academic and personal development of students from low-income and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. Below is an overview of the key programs and initiatives offered through CROP:

Services Offered

  • Weekend Tutorial Classes
  • Leadership Development
  • Career/Personal Counseling
  • Involvement of Family/Parents
  • Educational/Cultural Field Trips
  • On-Campus University Living
  • Parent Engagement Sessions

Summer Services

  • Four week program held on university campus
  • Classes held Monday-Thursday
  • Participants include current 6th-12th graders
  • Limited number of participants selected for one-week residential experience

Saturday Tutorial Sessions

Crop Saturday Program Flyer

Saturday Program Class Schedule: Click Here

Summer Residential

To Be Announced

Summer Academic Enrichment

To Be Announced