Housing Application

Continuing Student Room Selection Process

Room Selection Process

  • Roommate Group Selection Times Released

    February 21

    Randomized roommate group room selection times will be emailed to students participating in roommate groups. If you do not receive a roommate group selection time from the randomized lottery process, you will be placed in the lottery for a timeslot during the general room selection process. 

  • Roommate Group Room Selection

    February 25-28

    Roommate groups can log into the Housing Portal during their selection time to choose a room. Only one student in each roommate group will need to select a room for their entire roommate group. 

  • General Room Selection Times Released

    February 28

    Randomized room selection times will be emailed to students not participating in roommate groups or students who did not receive a timeslot during roommate group room selection. If you do not receive a room selection time from the randomized lottery process, you will have an opportunity to join the standby list on March 10. 

  • General Room Selection

    March 4-7

    Students can log into the Housing Portal during their selection time to choose a room. All students who receive a general room selection timeslot will go through general room selection as an individual and will not be able to pull in additional roommates. 

  • Standby List Launches

    March 10

    Students who did not select a room during their timeslot or did not receive a room selection timeslot will be added to the standby list.

  • Continuing Student Room Selection Q&A

    What’s the difference between Roommate Group Room Selection and General Room Selection?

    Roommate Group Room Selection is designed for students who have formed roommate groups of two to four people. Those in a roommate group who receive a randomized selection time will have the opportunity to select a room for themselves and the roommates in their group. A portion of the beds available for continuing students have been allocated for Roommate Group Room Selection.

    General Room Selection is an opportunity for students not participating in a roommate group, or students in a roommate group who did not receive a randomized selection time, to select a bed for themselves from the beds allocated for the General Room Selection process. Students who were in a roommate group but did not receive a randomized selection time for Roommate Group Room Selection, will go through General Room Selection as an individual, not in their original roommate group. 

    How long do I have to select a space?

    You will be able to select a room at the start of your room selection timeslot until room selection closes on Friday, February 28 at noon for Roommate Group Room Selection or Friday, March 7 at noon for General Room Selection. 

    Why did I not get a room selection time?

    Housing & Residential Education received an overwhelming number of continuing student applications by our priority deadline of January 28. Based on the number of beds that were available for continuing students, randomized lottery selection times were issued to students who completed their application by the priority deadline. This means not every continuing student who applied to live on campus will be able to go through room selection. However, students who were unable to participate in the room selection process will be able to join the Standby List when it launches on March 10. More information on the Standby List process will be shared in the coming weeks. 

    Can I pull in my roommate group during General Room Selection?

    No, you will not be able to pull in your roommate group during General Room Selection. If you are going through General Room Selection, this means you either were never in a roommate group or you did not receive a room selection timeslot during Roommate Group Room Selection. If your roommate group did receive a timeslot for Roommate Group Room Selection but chose not to pick a bed, you will not have an opportunity to also go through General Room Selection. We encourage you to select your space during your given timeslot. 

    If I don’t have a roommate group, what room types will be available to me?

    During both of our room selection processes, students will have a limited number of all room types available to choose from, including apartment-style, suite-style rooms in the Village, Cypress and Maple, as well as traditional style options. We encourage you to explore our hall options before your room selection timeslot, and have a list of multiple options of where you would like to live in case your first option is not available.

    What happens if I don’t pick a bed during my Roommate Group Room Selection timeslot?

    If your roommate group did receive a timeslot for Roommate Group Room Selection and chose not to pick a bed, you will not have an opportunity to also go through General Room Selection. We encourage you to select your space during your given timeslot.

    Our standby list will launch on March 10 after room selection concludes. Please note that joining the standby list will not put you on a waiting list for specific room type, but will put you in line for the first available bed. If living on campus is a priority for you, we encourage you to select a bed during your room selection timeslot, but please be aware that you will be held to your housing contract and cancellation fees will apply beginning 48 hours after you select your space.

    What happens if I don’t pick a bed during my General Room Selection timeslot?

    Due to the high demand to live on campus, we anticipate that all available beds for continuing students will be selected by the conclusion of our room selection process.

    Our standby list will launch on March 10 after room selection concludes. Please note that joining the standby list will not put you on a waiting list for specific room type, but will put you in line for the first available bed. If living on campus is a priority for you, we encourage you to select a bed during your room selection timeslot, but please be aware that you will be held to your housing contract and cancellation fees will apply beginning 48 hours after you select your space.

    What happens if I pick a bed but have since changed my mind or secured off-campus housing?

    If you decide you no longer want to live on campus, you will need to fill out a cancellation request in our Housing Portal. Please note that cancellation fees will apply after 48 hours of selecting a bed during room selection or being assigned a bed off of our standby list. Approved cancellations must meet a certain criteria and an off-campus lease is not an approved reason for cancellation. For more information on our cancellation policy,

    How does the standby list work?

    The standby list will launch for continuing students on March 10. More information about how to join the standby list will be shared at the conclusion of the room selection process. However, initiating a standby list does not mean USF Housing is out of beds. Housing & Residential Education will move through the standby list by assigning students on the list to the next available space on campus, regardless of room type.  It is common for spaces to gradually become available as cancellations are processed.