Elementary Cohort Program Clinical Sites
Contacts: Margaret Krause or Jennifer Jacobs

Hunter’s Green Elementary School, Hillsborough County

New River Elementary School, Pasco County

Pride Elementary School, Hillsborough County

Quail Hollow Elementary School, Pasco County

At Trapnell Elementary, students will achieve their academic and social potential in order to become productive members of society. Trapnell Elementary’s mission is to build lifelong learners.

Robinson Elementary
The administration, faculty, and staff at Robinson Elementary School believe that all students can learn. Their vision supports active engagement with inclusion for all students. A Positive Behavior Support program is implemented into their curriculum, and it is a positive school-wide incentive program supporting expectations to ensure a safe, positive learning environment where student achievement is the main focus.

Schwarzkopf Elementary believes each Schwarzkopf student will become an educated, capable citizen with a lifelong love of learning. Schwarzkopf will provide all students with a variety of opportunities to expand their knowledge to reach their maximum potential.