Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness refers to maintaining an active yet restful mind through continuous learning, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. Intellectual wellness is embracing new ideas, connecting and learning with others, and always looking for ways to continue educating ourselves. It involves engaging in activities that expand awareness, enhancing cognition, and fostering curiosity.

Intellectual wellness can be nurtured through various activities such as reading books, pursuing academic interests, participating in stimulating discussions, attending workshops or lectures, solving puzzles, doing brainteasers, engaging in the arts and in culturally diverse experiences, and exploring new ideas or perspectives.

By actively participating in intellectual pursuits, individuals can broaden their understanding of the world, deepen critical thinking skills, and can seek personal growth through challenging our minds to open up.

Ideas for Students to Foster Intellectual Wellbeing

  • Take a class outside of your field or concentration
  • Read for pleasure
  • Check out a seminar or conference on something you're unfamiliar with
  • Attend a play, museum exhibit or poetry reading
  • Debate with someone (respectfully)
  • Learn another language
  • Do crossword puzzles
  • Engage in research opportunities

Potential Benefits

  • Improve cognition
  • Experience a more stimulating life
  • Development of personal values and opinions
  • Open-mindedness
  • Clearer thinking
  • Improved concentration and memory

Signs of Intellectual Wellness

  • The ability to challenge yourself to see all perspectives of an issue.
  • Taking the initiative to expose yourself to new ideas, people, and beliefs.
  • Developing your personal opinions through many experiences and regular reading.
  • Actively challenge your mind by taking part in new and creative pursuits.
  • Taking part in extracurricular activities to enhance your intellectual interests.


  •   (Video, 1:57)