Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications 2018


Shadmanfaat, S. M., C. J. Howell*, C. N. Muniz*, J. K. Cochran, S. Kabiri, & E. Fontaine*. “Cyberbullying Perpetration: An Empirical Test of Social Learning Theory in Iran.” Deviant Behavior.

Stretesky, P. B., R. McKie, M. A. Long, M. J. Lynch and K. L. Barrett. Where Have all the Falcons Gone? Saker Falcon Exports in a Global Economy. Global Ecology and Conservation. 13:e00372.

Song, H.*, and M. J. Lynch. Restoration of nature or special interests? A green criminological analysis of the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project in South Korea. Critical Criminology. 26, 2: 251-270.

Dembo, R., Faber, J., Cristiano, J., Wareham, Krupa, J. M.*, Schmeidler, J., Terminello, A. (2018). Family problems, mental health and trauma experiences of justice-involved youth. Medical Research Archives.

Lu, Y. (2018). “Rural and Urban Differences in Gender‐Sentencing Patterns of Pennsylvania”. Rural Sociology, 83, 402-430.

Moule Jr., R. K., Burruss, G. W., Parry, M. M., & Fox, B. In Press. “Assessing the direct and indirect effects of legitimacy on public empowerment of police: A study of public support for police militarization in America”. Law and Society Review.


Schafer, J.A., Lee, C., Burruss, G. W., & Giblin, M.J. (2018). “College Student Perceptions of Campus Safety Initiatives.” Criminal Justice Policy Review, 29(4), 319-340.

Brewer, K. T., J. K. Cochran, R. A. Powers, & C. S. Sellers. “Intimate Partner Violence and the Capacity and Desire for Self-Control.” Deviant Behavior.

Shadmanfaat, S. M., J. K. Cochran, S. F. Allen*, A. G. Toth,* & S. Kabiri. “Sports Gambling among Iranians: A Test of Control and Rational Choice Theories.” Deviant Behavior.

Lynch, M. J., P.B. Stretesky and M. A. Long. Blaming the Poor for Biodiversity Loss: Environmental Justice and the Study of Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 25, 3: 263-275.

Heide, K.M. (2018). Juvenile Homicide in the Twenty-First Century. In: Levesque, R.J.R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer, Cham.

Mitchell, O. (2018). “A Review of Judging Addicts: Drug courts and coercion in the justice system.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 29, 310-313.

Heide, K.M. (2018). Parricide Offenders in the Twenty-First Century. In: Levesque, R.J.R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer, Cham.


Shadmanfaat, S. M., J. K. Cochran, C. N. Meade*, & S. Kabiri. “Soccer Hooliganism in Iran: A Test of Agnew’s General Strain Theory.” Deviant Behavior.

Holt, T.J., Burruss, G.W., Bossler, A.M. (2018) “An examination of English and Welsh constables' perceptions of the seriousness and frequency of online incidents.” Policing and Society.


Boggess, L., Powers, R.A., and Chamberlain, A. (2018). Sex, Race, and Place: Taking an Intersectional Approach to Understanding Neighborhood-Level Violent Crime across Race and Sex. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 55(4), 493-537.

DeLisi, M., Fox, B. H., Fully, M., & Vaughn, M. “The effects of temperament, psychopathy, and childhood trauma among delinquent youth: A test of DeLisi and Vaughn’s temperament-based theory of crime.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 57, 53-60.

Lynch, M. J. To Protect and Kill: United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict, 1996-2011. Society & Animals. 26,4.

Moule Jr., R. K., Fox, B. H., & Parry, M. M. In Press. “The long shadow of Ferguson: Legitimacy, legal cynicism, and public perceptions of police militarization”. Crime and Delinquency.


Steffensmeier, D., Lu, Y., & Kumar, S. (2018). “Age–Crime Relation in India: Similarity or Divergence vs. Hirschi/Gottfredson Inverted J-Shaped Projection?”. The British Journal of Criminology, 59, 144-165.

Long, M. A., and M. J. Lynch. Food Waste (Non)Regulation Crime. In R. Hinch and A. Gray’s (eds), A Handbook of Food Crime. Bristol, UK: Polity Press. 

Toth, A.G.* & O. Mitchell. 2018. "A Qualitative Examination of the Effects of International Counter-Drug Interdictions." International Journal of Drug Policy.

Powers, R.A., Kaukinen, C., and Khachatryan, N.* (2018). Risk factors for absconding among adult parolees. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(14), 4622 – 4641.


Mitchell, O. & G. Ridgeway. 2018. "Assessing the Fairness and Effectiveness of Bicycle Stops in Tampa." Police Quarterly

Dembo, R., Faber, J., Cristiano, J., Wareham, J., Krupa*, J. M., & Terminello, A. (2018). Health risk latent class analysis involving multiple gender and race/ethnicity groups. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education.


Dembo, R., Faber, J., Cristiano, J., Wareham, J., DiClemente, R., Krupa, J. M.*, & Terminello, A. (2018). Psychometric evaluation of a brief depression measure for justice involved youth: A multi-group comparison. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse.

Powers, R. A., Chamberlain, A. W., & Boggess, L. N. (2018). The Impact of Structural Disadvantage on the Gender-Gap and Sex-Specific Rates of Nonlethal Violent Victimization. Crime & Delinquency, 64(2), 201-226.

Fox, B.H., Moule, R. K., & Parry, M. “Categorically complex: A latent class analysis of public perceptions of police militarization.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 58, 33-46.

Khachatryan, N., Heide, K.M., & Hummel, E.V. (2018). Recidivism Patterns among Two Types of Juvenile Homicide Offenders: A 30-Year Follow-Up Study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(2), 404-426.

Lynch, M. J., and P. B. Stretesky. Smell the Death, Hear the Cries: Radical-Green Criminology in the Era of Global Environmental Collapse. Radical Criminology 6: 245-77.

Leiber, M. Settlement Agreement – United States through the Department of Justice with Shelby County, Tennessee, the County Mayor and the County Attorney, and the Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County (JCMSC). Eleventh Compliance Report – Equal Protection. June 1-43.

Kabiri, S., Cochran, J. K., Severson, R.*, Shadmanfaat, S. M., Rahmati, M. M., & Sharepour, M. (2018). Social and Personal Controls and Performance Enhancing Drug Use: Toward an Explanation of Doping Activity among Professional Athletes in Rasht, Iran. Deviant Behavior, 39(11), 1483-1496D.


Lynch, M. J., P.B. Stretesky and M.A. Long. Situational Crime Prevention and Ecological Regulation: A Review and Discussion. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 679 (1): 178-196.

Lynch, M. J., P.B. Stretesky and M. A. Long. Green Criminology and Indigenous/Native Peoples: The Treadmill of Production and the Killing of Indigenous Environmental Activists. Theoretical Criminology 22,3: 318-341.  

Dembo R, Faber J, Wareham J, Krupa JM*, DiClemente RJ, et al. (2018) Sexual Minority Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: A Poignant Need Group. Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education 8: 625.


Jaynes, C.M & T.A. Loughran. (2018). “Social preferences as an individual difference in offender decision-making.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 56, 129-169.

Lynch, M. J., and L. Genco*. Animal Abuse Registries: Expanded Interest in Animal Protection Mimics other Criminal Justice Policies, But Should Green Criminologists Hop on the Band-Wagon? Contemporary Justice Review. 21, 4: 351-370.

Cochran, J., M.J. Lynch, E. Toman* and R. Shields. Court Sentencing Patterns for Environmental Crimes: Is There a “Green” Gap?” Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 34, 1: 37-66.

Mitchell, O. 2018. “Understanding police use of force via hospital administrative data: Prospects and problems.” JAMA Network Open (September 14, 2018).

Scheitle, C. P., Moule Jr., R. K., & Fox, B. H. In Press. “Googling in fear: Measuring moral panic using Internet searches before and after Obama’s 2008 election”. Deviant Behavior.

Fox, B. H., Moule Jr., R. K., & Parry, M. M. 2018. “Categorically complex: A latent class analysis of public perceptions of police militarization”. Journal of Criminal Justice, 58, 33-46.


Fox, B.H., Moule, R. K., & Miley, L.* “Resting heart rate and risk of violent encounters during arrest in a sample of law enforcement officers.” Journal of Criminal Psychology, 8, 265-286.

Lynch, M. J. Acknowledging the Female Victim of Green Crime: Environmental Exposure of Women to Industrial Pollutants. Feminist Criminology 13, 4: 404-427.

Marier, C. J.*, & Moule Jr., R. K. In Press. “Feeling blue: Officer perceptions of public antipathy predict police occupational norms”. American Journal of Criminal Justice

R. Dembo, J. Faber, J. Wareham, J. M. Krupa,* J. Schmeidler, J. Cristiano & A. Terminello (2019). Heterogeneity in the prevalence of health risk factors among justice-involved adolescents: The intersectionality of gender and race/ethnicity. Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education.

Fox, B., Miley, L.N.* and Moule Jr, R.K. (2018), "Resting heart rate and risk of violent encounters during arrest in a sample of law enforcement officers", Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 265-286.


Lynch, M. J. Conflict and Crime: Marx, Engels and Marxist/Radical Criminology. In R. Triplet (ed), The Wiley Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Criminology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Mitchell, O. "The continuing evolution of race and sentencing research and reviews of this research". Journal of Criminal Justice.

Kaukinen, C., Anderson, K., Jasinski, J., Mustaine, E.E., Powers, R.A., Hughes Miller, M., Jennings, W.G., Nobles, M., & Yegidis, B. (2018). The direction of violence against women research and evaluation. Women & Criminal Justice, 28(3), 189-211.


Fox, B. H., & Farrington, D. P. “What have we learned from offender profiling?: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 40 years of research.” Psychological Bulletin, 144, 1247-1274.

Lawshe, N.L.*, Burruss, G.W., Giblin, M. J., & Schafer, J.A. (2018) “Behind the lens: police attitudes toward body-worn cameras and organizational justice.”, Journal of Crime and Justice.

Fegadel, A.R.* & Heide, K.M. (2018). NIBRS and SHR: A Comparison of Two National Homicide Data Bases with Respect to Parricide. Victims & Offenders, 13(2), 235-256.

Lynch, M. J., P.B. Stretesky and M. A. Long. Treadmill of Production Theory and Green Criminology: Theory and Hypotheses for Further Development of a Green Criminology. In H. Mol, D. Goyes, N. South and A. Brisman (eds), Introducción a la Criminología Verde: Conceptos para nuevos horizontes y diálogos socioambientales. Bogota, Columbia: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Antonio Nariño. 

Barrett, K.L., M. J. Lynch, M. A. Long and P. B. Stretesky. Do Fines Deter? Monetary Penalties and Compliance with Environmental Laws. American Journal of Criminal Justice 43, 3:530-550.

Powers, R.A., and Leili, J.* (2018). Bar Training for Active Bystanders (BarTAB): An evaluation of a community-based bystander intervention program. Violence Against Women, 24(15), 1614-1634.

Leiber, M. & M. Beaudry-Cyr*. “Race/ethnicity, sentencing and corrections” in H. Griffin and V. Woodward (eds.) Handbook of Corrections in the United States. Routledge. United Kingdom.

Rosa, M., & J. K. Cochran. “Religion, Religiosity, and Opposition toward Same-Sex Marriage: Sanctity of Marriage or Heterosexist Beliefs?” Sociological Focus.

Godcharles B.D., Rad J.D.J., Heide K.M., Cochran J.K., Solomon E.P. Can empathy close the racial divide and gender gap in death penalty support? Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 2019; 37: 16–37.

Heide, Kathleen M. “Juvenile Violence.” The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems. Ed. A. Javier Treviño. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 345–362. Print. Juvenile Violence (Chapter 20) - .

Lynch, M. J., and K. L. Barrett. Environmental Crime and Justice: A Green Criminological Examination. In Holifield, Chak raborty and Walker (eds), Handbook for Environmental Justice. London: Routledge. 

Mckie, R., P. B. Stretesky, M. J. Lynch and M.A. Long. "The Criminal Kind: Green Criminology and the Prevention of Ecological Destruction." In E. Orlando and T. Bergin’s (eds), . London: Routledge. 

Moule Jr., R. K., Parry, M. M., & Fox, B. In Press. “Public support for police use of SWAT: The relevance of legitimacy”. Journal of Crime and Justice.


*Denotes student or former student