About Us
Please consider a gift to one of our many programs or scholarships. We believe by joining together, we can create a brighter future for our students and department. Donations can be made online, or by mail.
Support activities of the Department of Criminology. If scholarships are awarded the criteria will be: full or part-time student, all academic levels, criminology major, College of Behavioral & Community Sciences, Tampa campus.
Established by Drs. Carl and Cynthia Hawkins, this fund supports the annual Wall of Fame ceremony as well as the Criminology speaker series and other alumni events.
Scholarship support for full or part-time, criminology students at all academic levels, in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences, on the Tampa campus.
This fund provides scholarships to full or part-time students, at all academic levels, pursuing a Criminology major, in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences, on the Tampa campus. This scholarship is based on financial need and is renewable up to 8 semesters. One scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student and one to a graduate student. Preference will be given to students who portray a love of America and a sense of patriotism as indicated in an essay; and who are active military, veterans, police officers, firefighters, emergency medical personnel or other first responders. Preference will also be given based on merit.
To support the Crime & Justice in America course which aims to provide a positive learning experience for students interested in the field of criminal justice and criminology.
To support criminology science.
Scholarships for full or part-time undergraduate Criminology majors, in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences on the Tampa campus.
To support scholarships for full or part-time students, at all academic levels, majoring in criminology, in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences on the Tampa campus.
To support expenses associated with grant projects for the Department of Criminology. Expenses include, but are not limited to: associated with follow-up work on completed grant projects, salaries and other related grant project expenses.
To assist Tampa students who are majoring in Criminology with tuition and/or textbook costs. For full or part-time students, any academic level in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences.
To support activities, the lab and operations related to human trafficking research across all campuses in the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Check out the scholarship opportunity for full or part-time students enrolled in the online MS program in Cybercrime in the department of Criminology within the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences. For more information on how to apply as well as to discover what this great 30 credit, online only program can offer you, please visit: MS in Cybercrime | USF Criminology