
Course Offerings

You may find a list of undergraduate courses offered by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics in the  or the . The can be used to find the current and upcoming schedule of courses. For your convenience when planning your degree, we have collected direct links to these courses below.

Unless otherwise noted, the courses listed are offered during both fall and spring semesters. Course offerings during the summer vary from year to year.

1000-level Courses

College Algebra (♦)
Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry (♦)
Mathematical Thinking
Mathematics in Context

(♦) On the Tampa campus, this course is taught using the SMART Lab.

2000-level Courses

Business Calculus
Life Sciences Calculus I
Life Sciences Calculus II
Engineering Calculus I
Engineering Calculus II
Engineering Calculus III
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Differential Equations
Introductory Statistics I

3000-level Courses

Introduction to Discrete Structures

Discrete Mathematics
       spring semester only

Linear Algebra
Algebra Connections
MAS 3114 Computational Linear Algebra
Vector Calculus
Number Concepts Connections
Bridge to Abstract Mathematics
Geometry Connections
Introductory Statistics II
Statistics and Probability Connections

4000-level Courses

 Symbolic Computations in Mathematics
 Intermediate Analysis I
 Intermediate Analysis II
      spring semester only
 Complex Variables
      spring semester only
 Introduction to Combinatorics
      fall semester only
 Introduction to Graph Theory
      spring semester only
 Numerical Analysis I
      fall semester only
 Numerical Analysis II
       spring semester only
 Introduction to Cryptography and Coding Theory
      fall semester only
 Theory of Computation
       spring semester only

Mathematical Modeling  
        spring semester only

      fall semester of odd years only
 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
      spring semester only
 Elementary Number Theory
      fall semester only
 Elementary Abstract Algebra I
 Elementary Abstract Algebra II
      spring semester only
 Independent Study
 Selected Topics in Mathematics
 Mathematics Senior Thesis
 The Early History of Mathematics
     fall semester only
MHF 4406  The History of Modern Mathematics
      no longer offered
 Modern Geometry
       spring semester only
 Differential Geometry
      fall semester only
 Introduction to Topology
       spring semester only
Computational Methods for Applied Statistics
 Sample Survey Design
      spring semester of even years only
 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I
 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II
 Introduction to Probability
 Nonparametric Statistical Methods
       spring semester only
 Categorical Data Analysis
       spring semester of odd years only
 Multivariate Statistical Methods
      fall semester only
 Applied Time Series
     fall semester only
 Selected Topics in Statistics