
Student Organizations

Economics Scholars Society
ESS is a student organization open to all students interested in economics.

Our Mission: "The purpose of the Economics Scholars Society is to serve as a network base for students to communicate about the significance of economics and its role in the modern world. Our goal is to prepare students for their careers by providing them with resources and information that will strengthen their desire for entrance into economic-related occupations and encourage them to discuss current topics which have economic relevance or impact."

Who can join? The Economics Scholars Society, ESS, is a student organization open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all majors who are interested in economics.

Omicron Delta Epsilon
Omicron Delta Epsilon is the International Economics Honorary Society. The following are the most important objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon:

  • Recognition of scholastic attainment in economics
  • Recognition of outstanding achievements in economics on the part of economists at all levels
  • Establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within their own colleges and universities
  • Establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics on all campuses
  • Publication of an official journal
  • Emphasizing the professional aspects of economics as a career field for service in the academic world, business, government and international organizations.

Undergraduate candidates for election to membership in any chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon must have an overall scholastic average of "B" and at least twelve credits in economics with an average of "B" or better. They do not necessarily have to be economics majors, but they must have a genuine interest in economics.

Graduate students are judged solely on their graduate work. They must have an average of better than "B" and are eligible after completing one semester of full-time work.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are eligible for membership are contacted by the Economics Department late in the Fall semester inviting them to apply for membership effective the following January.

For more information about ODE, students should contact .

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