CAS Chronicles


Cover of “The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging.” (Photo from Springer)

Dr. Valerie Lipscomb contributes expertise on literature and aging in new book

Dr. Valerie Barnes Lipscomb served as a lead editor and contributor on the recently published “The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging,” which features more than 30 contributors on three continents and 200,000 words of new scholarship.

September 16, 2024Accomplishments, Research

Dr. Wenqi “Vince” Liu performing an extraction experiment. (Photo courtesy of Wenqi “Vince” Liu)

Dr. Wenqi “Vince” Liu earns the National Science Foundation Early Career Award

Dr. Wenqi “Vince” Liu, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, has earned the National Science Foundation’s Early Career Development award, representing a significant milestone in his academic career and his first federal grant since joining USF three years ago.

September 16, 2024Accomplishments, Research

person wrapped in blanket holding tissue and working on laptop

New study finds working while sick actually harms productivity and retention

USF is examining how an organization’s expectations and workplace culture can drive employees to work while unwell. The team found working while sick actually does more harm to the company than taking a sick day would.

September 13, 2024Research

Growing up, Dana Smith had a close relationship with her great grandmother. But Smith knew her mostly as a family member who suffered from dementia. That experience inspired Smith as a student to get involved with the Preventing Alzheimer's with Cognitive Training study.

September 10, 2024Research

Using tools and technology that comb the ocean depths for new discoveries, USF Biology Professor Heather Judkins will explore the Gulf of Mexico as part of a research consortium that recently received more than $7.5 million in grant funding.

September 4, 2024Research

underwater bridge remains

What a submerged ancient bridge discovered in a Spanish cave reveals about early human settlement

Led by a USF geologist, a team of researchers examined a submerged 25-foot bridge to tackle a long-lasting archaeological controversy: When humans settled on the islands in the western Mediterranean. This study narrows a historical gap between the settlement timelines of the eastern and western Mediterranean regions.

August 30, 2024Research

Deby Cassill standing and smiling in front of gray backdrop

Dr. Deby Cassill’s research career aims to shine a light on the ‘secrets’ of animal behavior

Dr. Deby Cassill, associate professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, has focused her research career on better understanding the “secrets” of animal behavior and the insights it provides to human nature.

August 29, 2024Community Engagement, Research

From left: Dr. Gregory Perreault, Dr. Mildred Perreault, Dr. Janelle Applequist, and Dr. Fan Yang.

Zimmerman School faculty present research papers during International Communication Association conference

Four faculty members from the Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications recently presented research papers during the 74th Annual International Communication Association (ICA), which took place in June.

August 29, 2024Accomplishments, Research

Elizabeth Aranda (Photo by Corey Lepak)

Dr. Elizabeth Aranda receives 2024 Award for Public Sociology in International Migration

This award recognizes the work of an IM section member who addresses immigration and related issues in ways that apply scholarly knowledge directly in public work, generates such knowledge for public use, or otherwise contributes to improving the lives of migrants or refugees.

August 29, 2024Accomplishments, Research

Kendall Smith standing in front of her research poster

Clinical psychology doctoral student Kendall Smith earns NSF fellowship

Doctoral student Kendall Smith’s National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship will provide her with a $37,000 stipend to devote time to her research of the criminal legal system, externalizing behaviors, and bias among system-involved populations.

August 29, 2024Accomplishments, Research

Chemistry major Katherin Abreus Rodriguez further concentrating soil samples in a rotary evaporator. (Photo courtesy of Katherin Abreus Rodriguez)

PIACCART students gain interdisciplinary research experience on climate change

Ten undergraduate students took part in the Program in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation Research and Training (PIACCART) this summer. The program provided them with the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary research focused on the impacts of climate change.

August 29, 2024Community Engagement, Research

The Florida high tech corridor logo

USF, Florida High Tech Corridor partner to support advancement of innovations

AI literacy, bilingual educator training, immersive learning experiences and social and emotional learning curriculum will receive $100,000 boost.

August 29, 2024Research

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