Facilities Information Services
Capital Renewal Program Projects Map
Our allows users to see the location, impact, and details of each of the 87 projects being undertaken with the $72.8M received from the State. On the right side of the map you will see a clickable list of the projects. Clicking on a project will zoom to the project location and highlight the building(s) impacted. Details about the selected project are displayed in the upper left of the map. Note: this map is best viewed on a computer/desktop browser vs a mobile phone.
View project locations, types, impacts, and other details using
Learn more about the Deferred Maintenance Program
In fiscal year 2022-2023, USF received $72.8M in deferred maintenance funds from the State, per House Bill 5001 (2022) Section 197. These funds will allow us to complete the top 87 projects on USF’s capital renewal/deferred maintenance list. Projects on this list address deficiencies in our campus facilities and infrastructure, especially building systems at the end of their life cycle. These projects had been deferred until funds were available to complete them. We prioritize projects that address multiple issues, such as life safety, accessibility, infrastructure performance, resource efficiency, and renewal of critical building systems, such as electrical, plumbing, and cooling/heating and ventilation systems.
The funds received are part of the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and must meet both Federal and State guidelines. The funds can only be used for projects supporting Education & General (E&G) facilities, deferred maintenance and must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Address critical life safety issues
- Improve air quality to reduce the risk of viral and environmental health hazards
- Improve water, sewer, utility, parking, or roadway infrastructure
- Improve energy efficiency
- Mitigate environmental deficiencies
- Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Compliance with building codes
Together, the 87 projects being addressed with the funds received will impact all colleges across all campuses and facilities. More than half of the projects support university-wide improvements.
Visit the Maps Portal
Within , you can find the USF Interactive Campus Map, the USF Deferred Maintenance Map, the USF Public Art Collection Map, and the USF Tampa 3D Campus Model
USF's Interactive Campus Map
The is intended to help students, staff, and visitors find their way around USF’s Campuses. This map contains the buildings and facilities across our campuses, as well as information like campus points of interest, building information, departments, and informative links. This map is currently in a Beta stage and still undergoing minor developments. Please take some time to tell us about your experience and provide feedback in
Static Campus Maps

Campus Directory Kiosk Map: 11x17, 11x17 Map Index