Student Organizations

Consultations, Engagement & Programming

Our goal is to prepare you and your organization for success always. One of the ways we do just that is through a variety of programming including training and development opportunities. 

Take a look at some options we have for you. Not finding something you are looking for? Email us at and we can help!

Training and Development Programs

Our office hosts a variety of training and development programs throughout the year. Programs are offered virtually through Microsoft Teams and range from operational trainings like how to maximize systems or officer transition to developmental trainings about how to successfully lead. 

Monthly Training Offerings

  • New Student Organization Meeting - for officers of organizations requesting recognition; required part of the recognition process
  • Advisor Roundtables and Workshops  - open to all advisors, typically held over the lunch hour

For additional trainings, be on the lookout for email communication and checkout the on BullConnect. 

Consultations and Custom Workshops

Request a customized workshop or presentation for your student organization or group. These workshops are designed to provide useful leadership knowledge, skills, and best practices to help student leaders take their organizations to the next level. Each workshop covers a different topic relevant to student organizations. Please email to begin the process.