Key Announcements



October 6, 2021 – An on-site visit conducted on September 28-29, 2021 confirmed the findings of the virtual site visit conducted in January.

June 17, 2021 - The SACSCOC Board of Trustees reviewed the Report of the Substantive Change Committee and approved the continued accreditation of the consolidated .


REPORTS TO governing Bodies

May 14, 2019 - Progress Update - BOT CAP Committee

August 27, 2019 - Progress Update - BOT ACE Committee

November 20, 2019 - Progress Update - BOT CAP Committee

December 3, 2019 - BOT Approval of Resolution indicating alignment of SACSCOC Substantive Change Prospectus with BOT-approved Guiding Principles

February 18, 2020 - Progress Update - BOT ACE Committee

August 25, 2020 – Progress Update – BOT ACE Committee  

November 10, 2020 – Progress Update – BOT ACE Committee


Accreditation Steering Committee Meeting Schedule

April 8, 2019

Reviewed SACSCOC requirements/report templates, timeline, writing assignments, SACSCOC expenses, roles and responsibilities of Steering Committee members, and rules of engagement with SACSCOC regarding consolidation. Defined how to frame the narrative and how to refer to System institutions in the narrative before and after consolidation.

June 6, 2019 

Initiated an in-depth analysis of tuition and fees by program and campus, and began fleshing out how programs and services will be delivered by the consolidated USF, which is the first step toward creating a 2020-21 budget for the consolidated USF, as required by SACSCOC.

July 8, 2019

Developed a proposal to standardize tuition and fees for new students beginning as One USF Geographically Distributed during the summer of 2020 or later, so all new students who will benefit from being part of a preeminent university will pay the same amount to be part of that preeminent university, irrespective of campus, while ensuring that students currently enrolled at USFSP or USFSM are grandfathered into the lower tuition and fees they are accustomed to paying. See details on the Board of Trustees Site.

September 11, 2019

Met with student government leaders to discuss their progress creating an organizational structure and governing documents for one student body post-consolidation and other student concerns, including tuition and fees. The committee also discussed deliverables due within 30 days and deliverables due in 90 days.

October 25, 2019

Discussed funding for Judy Genshaft Honors College staff positions at USFSP and USF S-M, reviewed the draft SACSCOC Prospectus, and updated lists of consolidation related activities that must be completed this semester and next semester.

January 31, 2020

Discussed USF Regulation and Policy updates necessitated by consolidation with Jodi Adamchak from the Office of General Counsel. Discussed updates to the USF Communications Style Manual and to the USF, SP and S-M websites needed to build the “One USF” brand with Kim Hill and Steve Dapcic from University Communications and Marketing. Reviewed and updated a checklist of tasks that must be completed by June 30, 2020 to ensure readiness to operate as One USF on July 1, 2020.

February 24, 2020

Discussed planning for data systems changes necessitated by consolidation with Chief Information Officer Sidney Fernandes, including the need for a centralized database to track student complaints and their resolution. Discussed issues related to operationalizing “home campus” for students with Dean of Admissions Glen Besterfield and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Ruth Bahr. Clarified that admission requirements and course fees must be the same on each campus. Reviewed draft Cover Sheet, Transmittal Memo, and Institutional Summary Form that will accompany the SACSCOC Prospectus that will be submitted by March 15. Noted that Deans and Vice Presidents who must consult with Regional Chancellors must document those consultations, since evidence of consultation with Regional Chancellors will be needed for the next set of documentation that must be produced for SACSCOC.

April 17, 2020

Discussed progress on tasks necessary to ensure readiness to operate as One USF on July 1st. Met with Business and Finance leadership, who described their plans to use USF's new budgeting system (Axiom) to produce reports for deans of multi-campus colleges and other university leaders that will provide transparent access to a view of a consolidated budget drawn from multiple appropriation units (campuses), while not actually commingling separately appropriated campus funds. Discussed consultations to date between Deans (and their leadership teams) and Regional Chancellors (and their leadership teams).

May 20, 2020

Discussed progress on tasks necessary to ensure readiness to operate as One USF on July 1st; equity of assignment, support, performance, expectations, and compensation for faculty in a consolidated USF; progress made creating departmental and college governance and tenure & promotion documents; supervision, management, and compensation of employees with responsibilities for One USF; the final draft of the Style and Usage Guide produced by University Communications and Marketing; and the organization and management of integrated websites for One USF.

June 19, 2020

Discussed plans for producing the comprehensive self-study report that is due to SACSCOC this fall, prior to the SACSCOC site visit in January, noting the SACSCOC requirement that the report be written “in the context of the consolidated USF, not the three separately accredited institutions.” Discussed progress and challenges implementing human resource management and budget changes needed to facilitate consolidation with leadership from Human Resources and Business & Finance. Reviewed guiding principles for external reporting to ranking and publication companies following consolidation and discussed archiving older consolidation planning information that is currently on publicly facing websites, to keep publicly facing websites current.

No meeting in July to accommodate vacations

August 12, 2020 - 1:00 to 2:00

Discussed the timeline for gathering evidence and preparing documentation for SACSCOC and progress made to date. Discussed plans for review of the first draft of the SACSCOC documentation by the Accreditation Steering Committee in early October. Discussed preliminary site visit planning, which involved three possibilities: (1) an in-person site visit by all members of the site visit committee, with social distancing; (2) an in-person visit by two members of the committee and a hybrid visit by the remaining members; and (3) a fully virtual site visit, with a follow-up in-person visit to validate findings of the virtual site visit when it is safe to travel. Reviewed changes needed on websites and in documents to reflect One USF.

October 12, 2020 - 3:00 to 4:30

Discussed strengthening the student success movement to ensure equity of access and success across all campuses, with guests Paul Dosal, Allison Crume, Brett Kemker, and Patti Helton. Accreditation Steering Committee members provided feedback about and suggested edits to the first draft of the Documentation for the SACSCOC Substantive Change Committee.  

November 9, 2020 - 8:30 to 10:00

Discussed plans for final review of the Documentation for the SACSCOC Substantive Change Committee over the weekend of December 5-6 and planning for a fully online (virtual) SACSCOC site visit.

December 14, 2020 - 3:00 to 4:30

Discussed plans for public dissemination of the Documentation for the SACSCOC Substantive Change Committee that was submitted to SACSCOC on December 11. Discussed detailed preparations for the virtual SACSCOC site visit, including a tentative schedule, draft site visit guidelines, potential participants, orientation sessions for participants, technology needs, and development and presentation of virtual campus tours. Developed plans for meet weekly in January, prior to the site visit.