Faculty Success | ßÙßÇÂþ»­

  • faculty portrait sessions

    Faculty Portraits are provided at no cost to faculty members. Click the link for a full schedule of faculty portrait dates.

  • faculty fall address invitation

    Faculty Fall Address - September 24 at 3:00 p.m., School of Music Concert Hall

  • and so much more. Learn more about the programs, services, opportunities, and expertise at USF Libraries

  • Future of Food Think Tank

    Future of Food Think Tank - September 25, 2024 - 2pm to 4pm

USF recognizes the increasing availability and impact of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools on teaching and learning. These tools provide opportunities to ethically and effectively advance our institutional mission, and USF is committed to actively engaging with this rapidly developing technology to maximize these opportunities This webpage provides a central hub for information, resources, news, and events related to genAI across the university. Updates will be provided as tools and guidelines continue to evolve.

Click on the title to access a getting started guide, as well as tools for teaching and research.

SB 266 Guidance

SB 266 Guidance

Click the title to view the SB 266 guidance.

Faculty Calendar
