
Please consider contributing to the Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program. Your support will help us continue in our efforts to provide quality behavioral health care for all, particularly people with disabilities, and help the state and nation meet their human service and workforce needs in the area of rehabilitation and mental health counseling through teaching, research and service.

Please explore the following ways you or your organization can support the work of the RMHC program. Support from alumni, community partners and friends enables faculty and staff to enhance the quality of our students' education through expanded programs, scholarships, and faculty support.

This fund provides support for marriage and family therapy.

This fund supports faculty research and development, student loans, receptions for students and professionals who volunteer time for lectures, field training supervision, etc., and other professional and training benefits not currently provided by the university.

This fund supports graduate students who are pursuing a degree in Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling and who are involved in community service activities.

This scholarship provides support to defray the cost of textbooks.

Lynn was a student in the RMHC Masters program who passed away during her last semester in the program. She was a top student and compassionate student counselor. Following her passing, the Lynn Bartolotta Memorial Scholarship was started to honor Lynn and to support current students.