Bellini Center for Talent Development

Partnership Levels

Corporate Partners Sponsorships: Spring 2024

Sponsorship Benefit WHITE
Invitation to all Bellini student networking events • • •
Featured in student email blasts (1x/semester) • • •
Logo displayed on Bellini Center TV monitors • • •
Priority invitation and advanced notice of Bellini Center events • • •
Connection to student organization leaders   • •
Opportunity for employer-led workshop   • •
Invitation for an information session   • •
Featured company during Fuel for Finals week (2x/year)   • •
Networking event with targeted student organization leaders     •
Annual Pitch Competition Judge      •
Customized employer day (1x/year)     •

Employers have the opportunity to optimize engagement with students, increase their brand awareness, and promote internship and entry level opportunities by becoming a Corporate Partner. For more information or questions, please contact Pavla Ozkul. 

Director of Employer Engagement
Pavla Ozkul, PhD