School of Architecture & Community Design

USF College of Design, Art & Performance

Apply for Admission

Welcome to the School of Architecture & Community Design (SACD)! We are glad to help you through the application process. Note that the SACD offers two graduate programs, The Professional Master of Architecture (M. Arch.) program and the nonprofessional Master of Urban & Community Design (MUCD) program.  

Among requirements for admission to the M. Arch. program is the completion of at least 60 undergraduate credit hours before admission.  However, the SACD offers a "General Studies - Architecture" (i.e. pre-architecture) area of study to help first-time-in-college students, current undergraduate students, and undergraduate transfer students meet the SACD M. Arch. Program Admission requirments. 


First-time-in-college students and transfer students who do not meet the SACD Graduate Architecture Program (M. Arch.) Program Admission requirements must apply to USF and/or choose the General Studies – Architecture area of study. Apply to USF as an undergraduate student through the USF Office of Admissions. Please visit the USF Office of Admissions website for university undergraduate admission requirements, deadlines, and application information.

Continuing students who are interested in studying architecture should communicate directly with the architecture academic advisors in the College of Design, Art & Performance's Advising Center about a Change of Major.

To Apply to the SACD Graduate Architecture (M.ARCH.) Program

Fully completed applications must be submitted prior to March 02,2026.

Applicants must satisfy all SACD Graduate Architecture Program Admissions Requirements to be fully admitted into the graduate architecture (M. Arch.) major. New students are admitted to M. Arch. program once a year and may begin only in the fall semester.

Applicants who fulfill all SACD admissions requirements by the end of the spring semester of the application year will best position themselves for admission. Only provisional admissions may be extended to applicants who need time beyond the spring semester to fulfill admission requirements- e.g. course prerequisites, GRE Scores, etc. The SACD Admissions Committee may choose not to offer any provisional admissions.

If a provisional admission is offered to an applicant, all admission requirements must be satisfied by the end of the Summer Session ‘B’ (on or about August 09, please see USF’s academic calendar for exact date),or the provisional admission will be revoked and the applicant will be denied admission.


Step 1:
Prepare SACD M.Arch. Application (All Students)

To begin a graduate admission application to the , please refer to the USF Office of Admissions website for requirements, deadlines, and information on how to apply.

An application for admission to the SACD graduate architecture program must include the following:

  • Completed School of Architecture & Community Design Application form
  • Undergraduate Transcripts (unofficial) for non- Students only
  • Design portfolio. A design portfolio must be submitted in printed form on 8 1/2 X 11 paper, unless you are submitting the portfolio from outside the United States in which case it may be submitted in PDF format (no links).
  • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation from academic/professional references.
  • A one-page Statement of Academic/Professional Intent Note that if an applicant has not met all admission course prerequisites prior to the March 02, 2026 application deadline, they must include in their Letter of Intent a statement detailing how they will complete outstanding requirements prior to the end of USF’s Summer Session B.
  • Official score. The GRE is delivered online and will not be waived. Applicants must submit official GRE test scores to USF using institution code 5828 and also submit unofficial copies directly to the SACD. If an applicant is unable to have GRE scores submitted prior to the March 02, 2026 application deadline, they must state in their Letter of Intent when will take it and that they will have their score to the SACD Admissions office no later than May 10, 5:00 PM EST.

If the SACD Admissions Committee decides to admit an applicant who has not submitted a GRE score by the March 02 application deadline, it will be a "provisional admit" pending GRE score receipt by the extended May 10 GRE deadline. After that deadline, the SACD Admissions Committee and/or the SACD Director may withdraw its provisional admission and deny admission to the applicant. 

Step 2: Submit SACD M.Arch. Application (All Students)

Submit all SACD Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Program Application Materials after January 01 and no later than March 02, 2026, 5:00PM EST.

Applicants from within the United States must submit a printed Design Portfolio hand-delivered to Mr. James Spear, HMS-311 or shipped to the following address:

SACD Portfolio Submission 
12316 USF Genshaft Dr.
Tampa, FL 33620
Attention: James E. Spear HMS-311

Please send all other admissions documents in a single e-mail to: .Only applicants from outside the United States may submit an electronic Design Portfolio (PDF only, no links).

Pathways To The SACD Graduate Programs By Student Status

The School of Architecture and Community Design (SACD) offers multiple pathways to qualify prospective students to apply to its graduate programs.

First-Time-In-College Students And Non-Degreed Transfer Students

1.     Apply as an undergraduate student to the through the USF Office of Admissions and choose “General Studies – Architecture” as your area of study/major. 

2.   Prior to registring courses each semester, communicate with your architecture academic advisors in the College of Design, Art & Performance Advising Center to review your progress toward fulfillment of the SACD M. Arch. program Admission Requirements.

3.  Prior to registration for spring courses in the academic year that you expect to fulfill the SACD M. Arch. Progream Admission Requirements, meet with your architecture academic advisors in the College of Design, Art & Performance Advising Center to review your standing and ensure you are on-track to fulfill all admission requirements before you apply to the program.

4.  Prior to March 02 of the spring semester when the requirements will have been fulfilled, complete Steps 1 and 2 of To Apply to the Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) program above.  

Continuing USF Undergraduate Students

1.     If you did not enter the university as a “General Studies – Architecture” major, establish your major/area of study as “General Studies – Architecture.”

2.     Prior to registering for courses each semester, communicate with your architecture academic advisors in the College of Design, Art & Performance Advising Center to review your progress toward fulfillment of the SACD M. Arch. Program Requirements. 

3.     Prior to registration for spring courses in the academic year that you expect to fulfill the  SACD M. Arch. Program Admission Requirements, meet with your architecture academic advisors in the College of Design, Art & Performance Advising Center to review your standing and ensure you are on-track to fulfill all admission requirements before you apply to the program.

4.     Prior to March 02 of the spring semester when the requirements will have been fulfilled, complete Steps 1 and 2 of To Apply to the Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Program above. 

Students With 4-Year Bachelor's Degree Not In Architecture

1.     Fulfill the SACD Graduate Architecture Program Admission and USF Graduate Admission Requirements. Prospective students can make an appointment with architecture academic advising through to discuss their fulfillment of the requirements.

2.    Apply to USF Graduate Admissions.

3.     Prior to March 02 of the spring semester when the requirements will have been fulfilled, complete Steps 1 and 2 of To Apply to the Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Program above. 

Associate Of Arts Transfer Student With AA In Architecture

1.     Apply to USF Undergraduate Admissions

2.    Fulfill the SACD Graduate Architecture Program Admission and USF Graduate Admission Requirements. Prospective students can make an appointment with architecture academic advising through to discuss their fulfillment of the requirements.

3.     Prior to March 02 of the spring semester when the requirements will have been fulfilled, complete Steps 1 and 2 of To Apply to the Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Program.  

Students With 4-Year Pre-professional Bachelor's Degree In Architecture

1.    Review SACD Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Admission Requirements.

2.    Apply to USF Graduate Admissions.

3.    Prior to March 02, complete Steps 1 and 2 of To Apply to the Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.)  Program above. 

Admissions Evaluation Process

For information about how SACD Graduate Architecture (M. Arch.) Program applications are processed, please review .


We are happy to help with any questions you may have! Architecture academic advisors, centrally located in the College of Design, Art & Performance Advising Center (FAH 120), are here to assist prospective and current students with individualized academic planning. 

Prospective students can make an appointment with Architecture academic advising through .

Architecture advisor offices are located at FAH 120.

Architecture (Pre-Architecture and Master of Architecture) academic advisors may be reached via e-mail at