Sarasota Neighborhood

Black Organizations in Sarasota

Manasota ASALH is the largest branch in the national ASALH network, and one of the most active. The national founder of ASALH, Carter G. Woodson believed that the mission of disseminating knowledge about Black history could best be achieved through branches such as our own.

The Black Chamber of Commerce seeks to identify black businesses in the Manasota area and provide needed resources and representation for those businesses.

to access their business directory. 

phone: 941.702.2136

The Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition, Inc. a tax-exempt organization in the development stage of opening a facility that brings diverse people together and invites residents and visitors to explore and celebrate African American art, culture, history and entrepreneurship. It will be accessible to all and provide a safe space for discussions about race, identity, class, social justice, history and culture.

Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe (WBTT) was founded in December 1999 with the mission to produce professional theatre that promotes and celebrates African American history and experience, engages a broad base of patrons and audiences, supports the development of a dynamic group of aspiring artists and builds self-esteem in youth of color.

for their 2021-2022 season featuring a variety of shows and events. 

Do not see your organization listed, please email the Institute on Black Life. Include the name of your organization, link to site or Facebook page and contact information.