
Honors Program

For students interested in conducting a thesis or participating in the psychology department honors program

There are many reasons to conduct a thesis. First and most important is that it tells you whether you like research and are good at it. This may help you decide whether to consider a research-related career and apply to a research-related graduate program. Second, it teaches you skills that will be useful in many careers and graduate programs. These skills include thinking critically, writing and revising, presenting your work orally, and analyzing empirical data. Finally, being able to describe these experiences in your personal statement is helpful in applying to research-related graduate and professional programs. Prospective graduate programs are primarily concerned with your research experiences, not with whether you took a particular honors course.

The department honors program runs spring through fall. The next sequence will be spring 2025 through fall 2025. Dr. Jennifer Bosson will teach the 2025 honors seminars. Applications for the honors program will be accepted beginning November 1, 2024, and will continue until the course is full, or the beginning of the spring 2025 semester.

The honors program holds class meetings on the Tampa campus. However, your advisor can be on another campus.

Application for the honors program