Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology
Ph.D. Program Requirements

Total Minimum Program Hours: 90 credit hours
- Core Requirements – 4 Credit hours
- PCB 6920 Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology Credit Hours: 1 (Fall offering)
- PCB 6956 Scientific Grant Writing Credit Hours: 3 (Spring offering)
- Students admitted in Spring will take this course in the Spring of their 2nd year.
- Additional Required courses – 7 Credit hours Minimum
- BSC 6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology Credit Hours: 1 (1 credit for this program, taken four times for a total of 4 credits)
- PCB 6525 Molecular Genetics Credit Hours: 3
- May be substituted for another suitable course upon approval by the Graduate Director and student committee chairperson.
- Electives – 3 Credit hours
- Graduate class approved by the MBS Graduate Director and student committee chairperson
- Directed Research – 43 Credit hours
- BSC 7910- Research credits prior to successful completion of written and oral examination
- Dissertation – 32 Credit hours
- BSC 7980- Research credits following successful completion of written and oral examination
- Seminar – 1 Credit hour
- Preliminary Doctoral Examinations – successful completion
- Written portion (in the format of a grant proposal)
- Oral portion
- Preliminary Doctoral Examinations – successful completion
- Submission and approval of Dissertation Proposal
- Seminar Presentation of Research in BSC6930 upon advancement to candidacy
- Presentation Requirement (2 presentations at national/regional professional meetings)
- Publication Requirement (one 1st author research paper submitted for publication to refereed scientific journal by date of the Doctoral Seminar/Defense)
- Submission of acceptable dissertation
- Presentation of the doctoral seminar (BSC7936) and successful defense
PhD Program
Projected tracking through program in 5 years*
*Based on successful completion of written and oral qualifying exams in the time specified, good academic standing and continuation of research during summer sessions
- Semester 1 (Fall)
- BSC7910 Directed Research or Laboratory Rotations if required
- PCB6920 Advances in Cellular & Molecular Biology
- PCB 6525 Molecular Genetics or Other Approved Class
- BSC6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (1)
- Submit Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Establish PhD Laboratory and Major Advisor
- Summer 1
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- Circulate Aims to Committee for Approval – MUST BE COMPLETE BY May 31st
- Begin Work on Written Qualifying Exam
- Semester 2 (Spring)
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- BSC6956 Scientific Grant Writing (develop aims of written exam)
- Students admitted in Spring will take this course in the Spring of their 2nd year.
- BSC6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (2)
- Form Dissertation Committee (file paperwork)
- Semester 3 (Fall)
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- BSC6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (3)
- 2nd Structured Course
- Submit Written Qualifier by 9am on 1st day of fall classes
- Hold Annual Committee Meeting
- Submit Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Semester 4 (Spring)
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- BSC6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (4)
- Begin work on Dissertation proposal
- Summer 2
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- Continue work on Dissertation Proposal
- Semester 5 (Fall)
- BSC7910 Directed Research
- Submit Dissertation Proposal
- Complete Oral Qualifier by October 15th (Advance to Candidacy, file paperwork)
- Hold Annual Committee Meeting
- Submit Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Semester 6
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Give Research Seminar in BSC6930
- Summer 3
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Semester 7
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Hold Annual Committee Meeting
- Semester 8
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Summer 4
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Semester 9
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Hold Annual Committee Meeting
- Semester 10
- BSC7980 Doctoral Dissertation
- BSC7936 PhD Seminar
- Defend thesis and graduate