Literature (English MA, PhD)


Comparative Literary Studies Certificate

The  Certificate offers a comprehensive graduate program of comparative study and research. Linked to the Department of English, the students take core courses in research, bibliography, approaches to critical theory, and develop a comparative study, part of which is often grounded in literature or rhetoric. The certificate culminates with an individualized comparative course (directed study) that allows students to engage in the practice of comparative research and results in a research paper, possibly publishable, on an aspect of the focus area(s) of inquiry.

Through a thematic or conceptual cluster of five graduate-level courses in two disciplines, students can explore how different national literatures are interconnected, and/or how different literatures relate contextually and culturally to other disciplines, such as art, music, history, psychology, philosophy, and politics, among others.

This certificate, owing to the personalized design of each student's program, appeals to students of diverse backgrounds and interests and their desire to connect literary and aesthetic study to history, foreign languages, philosophy, religion, politics, and cultural studies.

By completing this certificate, students will have an excellent formation in comparative or interdisciplinary studies. Graduates may decide to further their studies in comparative studies, literature, or their other disciplines(s) of focus. This certificate enhances teaching and research credentials, as well as possibilities for employment in the arts, publishing, broadcasting, journalism, and government.

For complete information, visit the graduate certificates website.