College of Arts & Sciences

CAS Chronicles

CAS students attend luncheon celebrating student success. (Photo by JWS Photography)

CAS students attend luncheon celebrating student success. (Photo by JWS Photography)

CAS celebrates exceptional scholars at the Student Success Celebration Luncheon

Students shared their experiential learning experiences with attendees. (Photo by JWS Photography)

Students shared their experiential learning experiences with attendees. (Photo by JWS Photography)

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) celebrated 22 exceptional scholars at a Student Success Celebration Luncheon. The event, held on April 28, and co-sponsored by CAS Dean’s Advisory Council members Michelle Turman ‘00 and Nikki Zolkos ‘03, brought together faculty, students, and donors to share the impact of private support on student experiences. 

During the lunch, guests had the opportunity to hear from some of the college’s most outstanding students and learn more about their academic achievements, study abroad experiences, and future aspirations. 

With study abroad as a focal point at the event, guests in attendance also received custom passport covers and cards that highlighted several students’ individual experiences while studying abroad and other experiential learning opportunities. 

Dean’s Student Leadership Society member Makayla Long, who was in attendance at the event, was featured on one of the cards where she shared about her time studying abroad in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. 

My 14-day-long experience was a part of USF’s Island ecology and biology course in partnership with the Ecology Project International. For the first seven days of our trip, we stayed on Santa Cruz Island in the highlands (the mountains). Then, we made our way down to the lowlands (the ocean). Something that surprised me was how nice everyone was — we had no phones, so local hospitality made me less homesick. While abroad, I learned different things about myself and others that I wouldn't have learned at home. All these things have made me a better person and student at USF. 

Custom passport covers and cards featuring CAS study abroad student experiences. (Photo by JWS Photography)Custom passport covers and cards featuring CAS study abroad student experiences. (Photo by JWS Photography) 

Custom passport covers and cards featuring CAS study abroad student experiences. (Photo by JWS Photography)Custom passport covers and cards featuring CAS study abroad student experiences. (Photo by JWS Photography)

Interim Dean Magali Cornier Michael, who spoke at the event and delivered the closing remarks, reiterated the importance of these experiences and the impact of private support that makes these opportunities possible. 

“Hearing from students about their life-changing experiences at USF reminds us of how crucial our mission is as we work to prepare students for successful professional and personal lives,” Michael said. 

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