In the News


August 2021

August 05, 2021

Dr. Milani Discusses the Division of Power in Iran with the New York Times|


Thursday, August 4, 2021

Dr. Milani's interview with the CNN International about the domestic and foreign policy Iran's new president|


March 2020

March 12, 2020

Dr. Milani's peice "Having Retaken Parliament, Iran’s Hard-Liners Are Poised for Political Dominance": Published in World Politics Review|

March 10, 2020

Dr. Milani' discussess Afghan Peace Talks with with Radio BBC 5 (U.K. National Radion)|

Feburary 2020 

Feburary 18, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses Mr. Larijani's visit to Lebanon with the BBC Persian|

January 2020

January 30, 2020

Dr. Milani delivers a speech at two-day conferece on "Great Power Competition"|Flyer Here

January 28, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses theThe “Deal of the Century” for Israel‑Palestine with the BBC Persian TV|

January 17, 2020

Dr. Milani disusses Ayatollah Khamenie’s sermo after the assassination of General Suliemani in an interview with BBC World Service|

January 13, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran-China relation in an interveiw with Bloombereg|

January 12, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses the new tension in Iran-US relation after Iranian missile attack in an interview with KPFK Radio (Los Angeles)

January 7, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses the Iranian missile attacks agianst US military bases in Iraq in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

January 5, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the implications of Iran’s decision to reduce its nuclear commitments in an interview with KCBS Radio

January 3, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses impact of assassination of General Suliemani and the chance of war between Iran and US in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

January 2, 2020

Dr. Milani discusses new tension in Iran-US relation in light of attack on US ambassy in Baghdad in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|


December 31, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the US attacks on Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah and its impact on US-Iran relation in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|

December 14, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the lates attack on US military bases in Iraq in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|

December 6, 2019

Dr. Milani conversation with Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstant, U.S. Former Ambassador to European Union, regarding US Foreign Policy| Flyer Here


Novemerb 13, 2019

Dr. Milani discuses the lates unrest in Iran in an interview with the BBC Pesian TV|

November 8, 2019

Dr. Milani discuses President Macron's comment on NATO in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|

November 4, 2019

Dr. Milani discuses the national-wide protest in Iraq|


October 13, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the last development in Iran-Saudi relation in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|

October 10, 2019

Dr. Milani hosts and moderates panel of CSDS one-day conference on "Women's Empowerment: An International Prespective"| Flyer Here

October 2, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the last development in Iran-Saudi relation and the chance of de escalation with the BBC Persian TV|


September 21, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran-Saudi relation after attack on Saudi oil facility in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

September 18, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the new tension in Iran-Saudi relation with the BBC Persian TV

September 17, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the consequences of attack on Saudi oil facility with the BBC Persian TV|

September 11, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the President Trump's decision to fire John Bolton, US former national security advisor with Iran International TV  

September 2, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran's threat to reduce its compliance with Nuclear Deal with the Iran International  TV


August 27, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the possibility of President Trump's meeting with President Rouhani at UN|

August 2, 2019

Dr. Milani disusses the UK decision to worl alongside U.S. Navy in Perisan gulf in an interview with the BBC Perisan TV


July 31, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the possibilty of participation of Germany in naval security coalition in the Persian Gulf in an interview with Iran International TV|  

July 15, 2019

Dr. Milani delivers speech regarding Who could succeed Sistani in Najaf and who could succeed Khamenei in Tehran? at Atlantic Council (Washington D.C)|

July 10,2019

Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's Maximum Presure policy on Iran in an interview with the CGTN TV (China)|

July 8, 2019

Dr. Milani's piece on "the 100th year anniversary of 1919 treaty between Iran and UK" ; published in Andisheye Pouya|Read here 

July 8, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran's policy of active resistance in an interview with the BBC Persian TV|


June 28, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the future of Iran-US relation in an interview with the Iran International TV

June 27, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the US arms sale to KSA and Iran's reaction in an interview with the Iran CGTN TV(China)|

June 13, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the future of Iran's Nuclear deal in an interview with the Iran International TV

June 14, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the last attacks on Oil Tankers in Persian Gulf with the BBC Perisan TV |

June12, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the last development in US-Iran relation with the Euronews Farsi TV |

June 6, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Russia-China-Iran relation with the BBC Persian TV |


May 31, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses US-Iran tension and Iran's relation with Europe  with the RT TV (Russia)|

May 30, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the last development in US-Iran relation with CGTN America TV (China)

May 23, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the possibility of Iran-US negotiation with the BBC Persian TV|

May 20, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the chances of a full-scale US-Iran war with the BBC Persian TV 

May 17, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Yemeni Houthi attack on Saudi oil Facility with the Iran International TV |

May 15, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the US "Maximem Presure" Policy on Iran with the CGTN America TV (China)|

May 13, 2019 

Dr. Milani discusses the sabotage attack to the four Ships targeted in UAE's Fujairah port with the BBC Persian TV

May 9, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran Threatens Partial JCPOA Suspension with KCBS-AM (Radio), San Francisco


April 28, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses Brussels Summit with the Iran International TV|

April 29, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the US Maximum Pressure Policy on Iran with the BBC Persian TV|

April 28, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the possibility of Prisoners exchange between Iran and US with the Iran International TV|

April 9, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the 15th anniversary of  fall the Baghadad  with the Iran International TV|


March 24, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses The appointment of John Bolton as a new national secuirty advisor with the Iran International TV|

March 23, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the liberation of ISIS last stonghold in Syria with the BBC Persian TV

March 13, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel the BBC Persian TV

March 3, 2019

Herlad-Tribune daily newspaper report on Dr. Milani lecture on Islamic Revolution at First United Methodist Church|


February 19, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses Saudi's Nuclear Program With the BBC Persian TV 


January 18, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses the Warsaw Conference and its impact on the tension between Iran and Israel with The BBC Persian TV |

January 12, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses theUS-led Middle East conference in Warsaw with Radio Farda |

January 10, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses Sec. Pompeo’s trip to the Middle East with the BBC Persian TV

January 7, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses US-Iran-Israel relations with the Tableau Online Magazine| Read Here 

January 1, 2019

Dr. Milani discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speech on Iran with the BBC Persian TV


December 31, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses Presidnet Trump decision to withdrawl U.S. troops From Syria with the BBC Persian TV

December 27, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses Saudi’s new FM Ibrahim al-Assaf who has replaced Adel al-Jubeir with the BBC Persian TV

December 20, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the ramifications of US withdrawal from Syria the BBC Persian TV

December 10, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses Iran’s Rouhani warning west on the consequences sanctions on Iran for them with the BBC Persian TV/

December 4, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses Iran's last missile test and the international reaction to it with the BBC Persian TV/


October 14, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the US efforts to convince European power to impose sanctions on Iran with the Iran International TV/

October 3, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the important ruling of ICJ regarding US sanctions with the BBC Persian TV


September 15, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the future of Islamic Republic of Iran with the Iran International TV/

September 12, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses why why Iran should be present at the U.N Security Council meeting on Iran with the BBC Persian TV

September 8, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran, Russia and Turkey submit on Syria with the BBC Persian TV/


August 31, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the Syrian army and its allies plan to attach the city of Idlib with the BBC Persian TV

August 23, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the possibility of President Trump's impeachment with the BBC Persian TV

August 21, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's policy on Iran in an interview with the Iran International TV/

August 2,20188

Dr. Milani's piece on "The effect of U.S sanction on Iran's domestic security"; published in World Politics Review

August 1, 2018

 Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's suggestion to have direct talk with Iran in an interview with the BBC Persian TV


July 27, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the negotiations between Syrian Kurds and Assad in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

July 16, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the President Trump meeting with Putin in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

July 12, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the conflict between Iran and Israel in Syria  in an interview with the BBC Persian TV

July 3, 2018

Dr. Milani discusses the cancellation of Japan's Abe visit to Iran in an interview with the BBC Persian TV


June 13, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the future of Iran's Nuclear deal in an interview with the Iran International TV

June 6, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran's most important crisis in the last decade in an interview with the Tableau Journal 

June 4, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Netanyahu's trip to EU with the Radio Farda TV |

June 3, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Netanyahu's trip to EU with the BBC Persian TV


May 31, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Jordan protests in an interview with the Iran International TV |

May 25, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the EU solution for saving the Iran nuclear deal with the Radio Farda TV |

May 25, 2018
Dr. Milani's article on "Iran's reaction to Secretary Pompeo's 12 demands"; published in World Politics Review |

May 15, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the impact of U.S embassy move to Jerusalem with the Radio Farda TV |

May 15, 2018
Dr. Milani's piece on "why nixing the nuke deal is tilting the balance of power in favor of anti-US hardliners in Iran"; published in Center for Global Policy |

May 10, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the armed confrontation between Iran and Israel in south of Syria with the BBC Persian TV

May 9, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Iran nuclear deal with KCBS-AM Radio in San Francisco, California

May 8, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses US withdrawal from Iran's nuclear deal with the CGTN America TV (China) |

May 8, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses US withdrawal from Iran's nuclear deal with the BBC Persian TV |

May 1, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Netanyahu's presentation on Iran's secret nuclear plan with the Radio Farda TV |


April 30, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Israel air strike against the Syrian military bases with the BBC Persian TV

April 28, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Iran-Russia-Turkey summit on the Syrian Civil War with the BBC Persian TV

April 26, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the future of the Iran's nuclear deal with the BBC Persian TV |

April 24, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the future of the Iran's nuclear deal with the Al Jazeera English TV

April 18, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran's activity in Syria with the BBC Persian TV |

April 17, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses US policy toward the Syrian Civil War with the BBC Persian TV |

April 17, 2018 
Dr. Milani discusses why the EU did not impose new sanctions on Iran with the Radio Farda TV |

April 15, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Arab League's Summits with the BBC Persian TV

April 14, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses "US-UK-France" strike against Bashar Assad in Syria with the BBC Persian TV

April 12, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the possible U.S. strike on Syria with the BBC Persian TV

April 10, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the chemical attack in Syria with the Radio Farda TV |


March 20, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Saudi Crown Prince trip to the U.S. the with the Radio farad TV |

March 13, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's new activities in Syria with the BBC Persian TV

March 13, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the appointment of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State with the BBC Persian TV

March 3, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Russia relations with the Manoto TV


February 25, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the ceasefire in Syria With the BBC Persian TV |

February 24, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Russia's role in Syria with Iran International TV |

February 18, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Israel relation With the BBC Persian TV |  

February 13, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Israel's plan for new settlements in the West Bank with the Radio Farda TV |

February 12, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran's Islamic Revolution 40th anniversary in an interview with CGTN America TV |


January 31, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the first year of Mr. Trump's presidency with the Radio BBC Persian TV |  

January 16, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran Sanctions in an interview with KCBS-AM (Radio), San Francisco |

January 11, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses Iran nuclear deal in an interview with Aljazeera TV |

January 02, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the Iran Protest in an interview with Radio Farda |

January 02, 2018
Dr. Milani discusses the government response to nationwide Iran protests in an interview with CGTN America TV |


December 27, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's military campaign in north of Syria in an interview with Radio Farda |  

December 31, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses the Iran protest in an interview with CORREIO BRAZILIENSE, Brasilia, Brazil | Read Here


November 17, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses Saudi-Israel relations and their consequences for Iran in an interview with BBC Persian Radio |

November 7, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses the importance of the resignation of the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV 


October 10, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses the Las Vegas mass shooting in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV 

October 2, 2017

Dr. Milani discusses Las Vegas mass shooting in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV 


September 29, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the Iraqi Kurdistan's independence referendum in an interview with BBC Persian 

September 24, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Donald Trump's tweets about Iran in an interview with BBC News radio (U.K.) 

September 22, 2017
Dr. Milani discussed President Trump's policy on Iran Nuclear Deal in an interview with The Heat on CCTA TV (China television) |

September 19, 2017
Dr. Milani discussed President Trump and Iran's Nuclear Deal in an interview with The Heat on CCTA |

September 13, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Syrian military victory in Deir ez-Zor over ISIS in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

September 05, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Israel's concerns about Iran's military activities in Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV 


August 29, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Israel concerns about Iran's military activities in Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV


June 27, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the Supreme Court's decision to partially allow President Trump travel ban to proceed in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 20, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Russia's warning to the US that its planes over western Syria are "air targets" interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 13, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the statement of Iran's foreign minister, Dr. Zarif, about US stance on Iran's nuclear agreement in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 6, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt's decision to cut ties with Qatar in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |


May 30, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the importance of the Russian President's trip to France after the election of Macron in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 24, 2017
Dr. Milani speaks on a panel at Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington on the Iranian election along with Robin Wright, Bernard Haykel, and Hanin Ghaddar |

May 23, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's trip to Israel in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | 

May 22, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the result of Iran's presidential election and the victory of Rouhani in an interview with CGTN America (China television) |

May 20, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the political division in Iran and the result of Iranian presidential election in an interview with BBC World TV |

May 16, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses United States' accusation of Assad government's mass killings in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | 

May 9, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the victory of Emmanuel Macron in France's presidential election and its importance for the European Union in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | 

May 2, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Hamas's new political document and its new stance on Muslim Brotherhood in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | 


April 27, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Iran's presidential candidates in an interview with CGTN (China Global Television Network) America |

April 25, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the tension between the United States and North Korea in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

April 18, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's referendum and its on the impact on the trajectory of Turkey's politics in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

April 11, 2017
Dr. Milani discuses G8 Foreign Ministers' meeting in Italy in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

April 11, 2017
Dr. Milani is quoted in the Washington Post on Russian-Iranian Relations |

April 11, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses U.S. missile strikes against Syria in an interview with BBC Persian TV |

April 7, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the ramifications of US Military Strikes on U.S.-Russian relations in an interview with BBC Persian TV |

April 6, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Russian relations in an interview with Safheye 2, BBC Persian TV |

April 4, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Ambassador Nikki Haley's address about Syrian President Assad to the United Nations in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |


March 28, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Kurd and Arab's coalition in Syria and the U.S.'s approach to ISIS in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 27, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's new Middle East policy on Ofogh TV, Voice of America |

March 26, 2017
Dr. Milani is quoted extensively in the Washington Post regarding President Rouhani's trip to Moscow |

March 21, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses FBI's director testimony at the Congress in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 14, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Hosni Mubarak's acquittal in court in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 8, 2017
Dr. Milani is interviewed and quoted in an article on "what's behind Iran's muted official criticism of revised travel ban?" published on VOA Persian |

March 7, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses President Trump's new Travel Ban in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |


February 21, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Gen. McMaster's appointment as Trump's National Security Advisor and the importance of this role in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 21, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the appointment of Gen. McMaster as Trump's National Security Advisor in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 21, 2017
Dr. Milani is interviewed and quoted in an article on BBC News on "The Rising Risk of Showdown between Trump and Iran" |

February 17, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses U.S.-Russia relations in an interview with BBC Persian

February 14, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the killing of ISIS leaders in Iraq in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 14, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the killing of ISIS leaders in Iraq in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 7, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the meeting between Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the British Prime Minister in London in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 3, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Iran's recent Missile testing in an interview with BBC Radio

February 2, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses U.S.-Iran relations and the new sanctions posed on Iran in an interview with BBC Persian TV

February 1, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the importance of the phone conversation between Trump and King Malik Salman of Saudi Arabia in an interview with Manoto TV


January 31, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the phone conversation between President Trump and Saudi Arabia's King in an interview with Radio Farida and VOA TV |

January 24, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Israel's approval for settlement expansion after President Trump's inauguration in an interview with BBC Persian

January 17, 2017
Dr. Milani's discusses how Ayatollah Rafsanjani became the pragmatic voice of the Iranian Revolution in an article published by the World Politics Review |

January 17, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the future of the Iran's Nuclear Deal, one year after the agreement was reached, in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 12, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Russia Alliance in an article in New Delhi Times |  

January 10, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Rafsanjani's death and its impact on U.S.-Iran relations in an interview with NPR Radio

January 10, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the death of Ayatollah Rafsanjani and his role in shaping Iran's foreign policy in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 8, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the death of Ayatollah Rafsanjani and its consequences for the future of moderates in Iran in an interview with BBC World Public Radio International |

January 8, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the death of Ayatollah Rafsanjani, his role in the 1979 revolution and his policies after the establishment of the Islamic government in an interview with CNN |

January 8, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses Ayatollah Rafsanjani's past and legacy in an interview with BBC Persian

January 3, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the latest terrorist attack in a nightclub in Turkey and the rise of terrorism in Turkey in 2016 in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |


December 29, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the Syrian ceasefire sponsored by Russia and Turkey in an interview with BBC Persian

December 27, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the changing direction of Turkey in dealing with ISIS and Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

December 26, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's changing policy toward ISIS in an interview with Radio Farda TV and VOA TV |

December 20, 2017
Dr. Milani discusses the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey in Ankara in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

December 13, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the Congress investigation into possible Russian cyber-attacks connected to the election in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

December 8, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the possibility of a ceasefire in Aleppo in an interview with BBC Persian Radio |

December 7, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses President Obama's speech at CENTCOM in an interview with VOA TV Persian |

December 6, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses China's reaction to Trump's phone call to Taiwan's leader in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

December 5, 2016
Dr. Milani is interviewed for an article on why President-elect Trump has not contacted the President of Afghanistan published on Dari VOA |

December 1, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the future of Iran's nuclear deal under Trump's presidency in an interview with BBC Persian |



November 29, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses U.S.-Cuba relations under Trump's presidency in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

November 28, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Donald Trump and the future of U.S.-Cuba relations in an interview with Ofogh VOA TV |

November 27, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the future of U.S. - Cuba relations after Castro's death in an interview with VOA TV |

November 22, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo and President-Elect Trump's foreign policy toward Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | Listen Here

November 22, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo and President-Elect Trump's foreign policy toward Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

November 19, 2016
Dr. Milani is quoted in "Trump keeps people guessing over Iran" written by Dr. Amal Mudallali in Gulf In Media |

November 16, 2016
Dr. Milani was invited to join a panel on "Rebuilding Alliances, Containing Adversaries" with Prince Trki bin Faisal Al Saud, Eliot A. Cohen, and Nabil Fahmy at Middle East Institute 7th Annual Conference | Read More

November 15, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Donald Trump's victory and its consequences for Iran's nuclear deal in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

November 8, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the outcome of the elections in three interviews with BBC Persian TV

November 8, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the outcome of the elections in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

November 1, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Iran and Turkey's involvement in Iraq in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |



October 28, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses U.S. presidential elections in an interview with BBC Persian

October 27, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the impact of the outcome of U.S. presidential elections for Iran-U.S. relations in an interview with BBC Persian |

October 25, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's involvement in Northern Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

October 18, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the Iraqi military operation for freeing Mosul, Iraq from ISIS in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

October 13, 2016
Dr. Milani gave a talk on "Iran's Regional Standing One Year After the Nuclear Deal" at Chapman University's Conference on "Iran: Rising Power in the Middle East" at Orange, California. |

October 11, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the second presidential debate between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

October 4, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the reasons behind the growing tension between US and Russia regarding Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

October 3, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the growing tension between US and Russia regarding Syria in an interview with BBC Persian


September 30, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the first anniversary of Russia's military intervention in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

September 28, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses John Kerry's telephone conversation with Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov in an interview with KPCC Southern California Public Radio, (NPR, AirTalk)

September 27, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the impact of televised presidential debates on the outcome of election in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

September 22, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses Hassan Rouhani's speech at United Nations in an interview with VOA Farsi

September 20, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the New York and New Jersey Bombings and its impact on the upcoming presidential elections in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

September 19, 2016
Dr. Milani and Liz Sly, the Bureau Chief of the Washington Post, were interviewed by Larry Mantle of the Southern California Public Radio (KVLA) about the Syrian ceasefire.

September 13, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the barriers of implementing Syrian ceasefire in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

September 8, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses possible U.S.-Turkey cooperation in fighting ISIS in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

September 8, 2016
Dr. Milani is interviewed for and quoted in an article "Iranian Pilgrims pay the price of power struggles in the Middle East" published by Deutsche Welle |

September 6, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the speech of Iran's Supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, in regard to Saudi Arabia and the growing tensions between the two countries in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

September 5, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the latest developments in the Saudi-Iran relations in an interview with BBC Persian

September 2, 2016
Dr. Milani's article "Iran and Russia's uncomfortable Alliance" is published in Foreign Affairs


August 30, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the growing tensions between Turkey and the United States in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

August 23, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the changing foreign policies of Turkey in regard to Syria after the failed coup in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

August 16, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the use of Iranian air base by Russia in an interview with Aljazeera International

August 16, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the use of an Iranian air base by Russia in its air campaign inside Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

August 16, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the use of an Iranian air base by Russia in its air campaign inside Syria in an interview with VOA Persian TV

August 16, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the failure of peace negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

August 9, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the resumption of the Saudi bombing of Sanaa in Yemen in an interview with BBC Persian

August 9, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the media representation of the $400 million dollars flown to Iran and the reaction of U.S. presidential candidates to such news in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

August 4, 2016
Dr. Milani gave a lecture on Iran's Nuclear Deal, 1 Year On, at the Eleventh Biennial Iranian Studies Conference hosted by International Society for International Studies at Vienna, Austria


July 29, 2016
Dr. Milani discusses the United Nation's role in resolving the Syrian crisis in an interview with BBC Persian

July 19, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Donald Trump's official GOP nomination in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA |

July 12, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the resignation of David Cameron after the Brexit and the foreign policy of Theresa May, the new Prime Minister of the UK in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

July 7, 2016 | Dr. Milani is extensively quoted in an article about Iran's Nuclear Deal Written by Khalid Mafton and published by VOA Dari |

July 6, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the FBI's statement on the investigation of Hilary Clinton's use of personal email system in an interview with ePersian Radio 

July 5, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses ISIS's recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul, Bangladesh, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

July 1, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the letter of US senators urging Kerry to address political crisis in Bahrain in an interview with BBC Persian


June 29, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's deal with Boeing to buy 100 planes in an interview with VOA TV |

June 28, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Israel and Turkey's agreement to resume diplomatic relations in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 26, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Brexit and Prime Minister David Cameron's resignation in an interview with Iran Farda TV |

June 21, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's warning to Bahrain over revoking cleric's citizenship in an interview with VOA TV

June 21, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Bahrain government's decision to revoke the citizenship rights of the Shia opposition leader in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 17, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the 51 US diplomats memo that urges the United States to carry out military strikes against Asad's regime in an interview with BBC Persian TV |

June 16, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Trump and his changing rhetoric about his future foreign policy in an interview with BBC Persian TV |

June 14, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Trump and Clinton's reactions to Orlando mass shooting in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 7, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Saudi relations in an interview with BBC Persian TV |

June 7, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Russia-Israel relations in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

June 5, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the unprecedented behavior of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate in an interview with Iran Farda TV | Watch Here


May 31, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iraq' military advances in Fallujah and Iran's military presence in Iraq in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 25, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's energy policies in an interview with the Energy Programme Asia of the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University, Netherlands

May 25, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the difficulties in implementing the nuke deal with Iran in an interview with VOA Persian

May 24, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the importance of the signed agreements for bilateral relations between Iran, India and Afghanistan in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 23, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the improved bilateral relations between Iran and India and how it serves the national and security interests of both countries in an interview with OfoghTV

May 17, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Al-Qaeda's plan for direct involvement in Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 10, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's recent missile test in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 7, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the 6 Iranian soldiers killed in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian Radio/TV

May 3, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the recent developments in the Syrian civil war in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

May 2, 2016 | Dr. Milani gave a talk at the conference "US Foreign Policy after the Iran Nuclear Deal & the New Geopolitics of the Middle East" Co-Hosted by CSDS and Josef Korbel School of International Studies at University of Denver


April 30, 2016 | Dr. Milani's article "Iran in a Reconnecting Eurasia" is published in a Report by the Center for Strategic & International Studies's (CSIS) 

April 26, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses President Obama's remarks on deployment of more Special Forces to Syria in an interview with VOA Persian

April 24, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Obama's latest comments on Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

April 20, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Obama's trip to Saudi Arabia and the tension in Saudi-U.S. relations in an interview with BBC Persian

April 18, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the postponing of Syrian Peace talk in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

April 14, 2016 | Dr. Milani gave a talk at the conference "U.S.-Iran Relations at a Crossroads" Hosted by Rice University's Baker Institute |

April 12, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Saudi king's trip to Egypt and Cairo's transfer of two Red Sea islands to Riyadh in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

April 11, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Obama's admission that Libya was his biggest foreign policy mistake in an interview with BBC Persian

April 11, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Syrian Peace process in an interview with Ofogh/ VOA TV

April 8, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses John Kerry's extension of invitation to Iran to help end the war in Yemen and Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

April 5, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the one sided cease fire of Azerbaijan and Armenia in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |


March 30, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's Ballistic Missile Program in an interview with VOA TV Dari (Afghanistan) and is quoted in an article published on DARI VOA |

March 29, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Donald Trumps' foreign policy and how it differs from U.S.'s current and past foreign policy in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 18, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the recent developments in Clinton and Trump's rivalry in preliminary US presidential elections in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 17, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Kurds in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

March 15, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Putin's claim for withdrawing forces from Syria in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 12, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Arab League and Iran in an interview with VOA Iran

March 11, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the current stream of events in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

March 11, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Barak Obama's recent interview on his foreign policy during his presidency in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 9, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the latest missile tests by Iran in an interview with Sputnik News Agency and Radio

March 8, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Turkey and European Union's talks to resolve the problem of refugee crisis in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

March 7, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses United States Presidential elections as well as Trump's and Clinton's rivalry in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | Listen Here

March 6, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran-Turkey relations and the important of Turkish prime minister's visit to Iran in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV | Listen Here

March 3, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the victory of moderates in Iran's elections in an article in Foreign Affairs | Read More

March 2, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the results of the February 26 Iranian Elections at a panel of experts at Woodrow Wilson Center | Watch Here


February 26, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran's important elections in an interview with Aljazeera English

February 21, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the US-Russia temporary ceasefire in Syria in an interview with BBC Persian

February 18, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Syrian civil war in an interview with BBC Persian

February 18, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the recent bombing in Ankara, terrorism and the current refugee problem in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 16, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Turkey and Saudi Arabia's alliance in the Syrian civil war in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 11, 2016 | Dr. Milani Discusses the victory of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire preliminary elections and its implications for US foreign policy in the Middle East in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 9, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Saudi-U.S. relations and its impact on the developing relations between Iran and the U.S. in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

February 8, 2016 | Dr. Milan discusses the role of Saudi Arabia and Turkey in the delay in Syria Peace Talks in Geneva in an interview with Ofogh VOA TV 

February 5, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the Syrian civil war and the willingness of the Saudis to send troops to Syria in an interview with BBC Persian TV.

February 2, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Velayati's official trip to Russia and Iran-Russia relationships on Radio Farda and VOA TV |


January 28, 2016  | Dr. Milani discusses the significance of Rouhani's first official trip to Europe after lifting of sanctions against Iran in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 24, 2016 | Dr. Milani is extensively quoted in an article on GhanaWeb on Iran-China relations after lifting of sanctions | Read More

January 23, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Chinese President's trip to Tehran and his meeting with Iran's president on Aljazeera |

January 22, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the relationship between Iran and Pakistan, and Pakistan's mediating role in Iran-Saudi relations in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 21, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the intricacies of Syria Peace talks in Geneva in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 19, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the new sanctions against Iran over missile test in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 18, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the benefits of U.S. diplomacy with Iran in an article for CNN |

January 17, 2016 | Dr. Milani is extensively quoted in an article in Dari VOA discussing the impact of Iran's and Saudi's hostile relationship on the current crisis in the Middle East |

January 16, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the lifting of sanctions against Iran in an interview with CCTV |

January 14, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Obama's final State of the Union Address in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 12, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Turkey's plan for constructing a military base in Qatar in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 10, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Saudi Arabia's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Iran in an article in Foreign Affairs |

January 10, 2016 | Dr. Milani is extensively quoted in an article in Dari VOA discussing the necessary measures for defeating the ISIS |

January 5, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses Iran and Saudi Arabia's diplomatic relationships in an interview with Radio Farda and VOA TV |

January 4, 2016 | Dr. Milani discusses the attack on Saudi embassy in an interview with IranWire |



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