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INTRODUCTION Attention step: You are beginning a course of instruction that will qualify you to apply for membership in a professional association of underwater educators. Do you fully understand what that means in terms of privileges, rights and obligations? Importance or Value: Joining a professional organization is significant step in one s career and carries great responsibility that should be fully explored and understood before accepting the commitment that membership entails.  I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. -- Groucho Marx Student Materials and Conduct: note taking material, text and workbook, and your undivided attention Body: See presentation slides. , Y       K   G    d 0${S@P < 2  H d 0޽h ? ̙33 0 plL(  lR l 3     l C   @   ~Performance Statement: Describe to the students what, by the end of this lesson, will be expected of them, and to what degree.i l 0D  < 2  H l 0޽h ? ̙33:  0   x ( h xR x 3    T x C x-S @   NAUI Corporate Structure and Culture NAUI is a worldwide, democratic, membership association dedicated to serving the public. NAUI is democratic in that our instructor members elect the Board of Directors, who represent the membership and establish policies and directions for our association. Membership Rights and Privileges You should be thoroughly familiar with the NAUI Standards and Policies Manual and especially with the sections on NAUI Ethics and the NAUI Credo. NAUI s members are fundamental to our strength and preeminence within the diving community. Membership Agreement The Membership Statement you will sign when you join is an example of how seriously NAUI members take their responsibility to maintain the Association s reputation and high quality service. READ ALOUD the Membership Agreement from the New Membership Application Form that is included in the leadership and instructor packet%  !0      -:&h x 0 @P < 2  H x 0޽h ? ̙330  0   | (  |R | 3    J  | C      NAUI Leadership Training The primary goal of NAUI leadership training is to help you become a valuable member and as successful a diving leader as you can be. This training has four aspects: 1. Acquiring diving knowledge and developing the ability to perform and demonstrate specific essential water skills. 2. Learning leadership skills and developing an effective personal leadership style through study and the observation of other leaders. 3. Benefiting from evaluation and coaching on all aspects of leadership responsibilities. 4. Gaining experience through exercising leadership skills under the supervision and guidance of a NAUI Instructor. NAUI leadership training will enable you to use and develop all of your faculties in pursuit of safer recreational diving and a career as a diving professional. But just as every level of leadership represents an increasingly complex array of skills, each is also a license to continue learning from life s experiences, and an opportunity to enhance your professional standing.      u    Z $ $t( (, ,z0 04 488 | 0ß @P < 2  H | 0޽h ? ̙33 0 z(  R  3      C  ʟ P `0   | The making of a leader No one can make another a leader, but there are traits associated with the display of leadership. Training can help you identify and develop these traits within yourself. NAUI training will help you use the skills that you develop within yourself to successfully manage the continual challenges of working as a professional diving leader. It will be your responsibility to nurture these qualities as you progress as a NAUI member and diving professional. NAUI leadership training will give you the tools that will enable you to develop your own techniques for working more effectively with divers, but you must develop your leadership ability in accord with your own personality, values, and style. f     i  oh  0؟ @P < 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33} 0 =5(  R  3      C   @   7iPersonal Leadership Style And Values Our conscious behavior is based upon our values and personality. Value (the worth that we ascribe to anything) derives from what we learn by observing our families, friends, culture, and world experience as filtered through our personalities. Personality is the sum of our talents, predisposition, and experiences. Attitudes (how we feel about things) govern our behavior. The development of an appropriate system of values and proper leadership attitudes is as vital to meeting membership responsibility as the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Leadership training is a continuation of your development as an individual. Observation, reflection, insight, and realization are as important to the process as study. You will regularly deal with the lives and well-being of students and divers. You must develop an attitude that places concern for their safety at the highest level. Published minimum standards of achievement are treated as goals to be mastered and exceeded. NAUI leaders find satisfaction and enjoyment in inspiring divers to develop well beyond the minimum standards. ~j$  <      s $$,fP  0 @P < 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33 0   l (  R  3    6   C <  0   X Superior Leadership and Instructor Training NAUI and its members are committed to providing the highest quality leadership and instructor training possible. Democratic Association of Equals The democratic process in regular elections determines our Association s leadership, its Board of Directors. Each member s views are equally important. We each have a responsibility and obligation to stay informed about our Association. Trust and Respect Superior Leadership and Instructor training are founded in the  Loved One concept. It is only those we would trust to train our loved ones to dive that we graduate at any leadership level. We collectively trust members to behave ethically, and we respect their abilities as NAUI Leaders and educators. Academic Freedom A cherished and fundamental right of educational leadership is the freedom to meet the academic needs of their students. NAUI members are encouraged to explore and discover new and innovative ways to help each student or diver they lead. Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Sharing our discoveries leads to ever improving training producing better generations of graduates with each completed course. Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Training These dynamics produce perpetually improving leadership and instructor training. b-+  s         $ $/( (, ,0 04 48 8 < <   ,     1  S $ $((  0# @P < 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33d  0 $@(  R  3    ~  C C  @    Read aloud  0M @P < 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33(  0 0x(  R  3      C S  @   NRestate the student performance statements as questions: Emphasize key points ONH  0޽h ? ̙33  0 `G(  X  C      S [  @   IAlthough also printed in the NAUI Standards and Policies Manual the NAUI Credo represents the shared individual values that members have subscribed to from the beginning and are reprinted here for their significance to any aspiring NAUI Leader. 8"   H  0޽h ? ̙33  0   4(   X   C       S d  @   6Transition Statement: Whether this is your first, or one of many NAUI Leadership courses you have completed, the concepts expressed in this instructional unit are fundamental to understanding NAUI and your role as a professional member. Review of Main Points: See this presentation slide. Emphasize Key Points: NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo Ask Students for Questions: x"ZLH   0޽h ? ̙33  0 (  X  C      S {  @    H  0޽h ? ̙33 0 (  X  C      S Ѐ  @    H  0޽h ? ̙33 0 (  X  C      S d  @    H  0޽h ? ̙33 0  (   X   C       S   @    H   0޽h ? ̙33 0 $(  $X $ C     $ S 萠  @    H $ 0޽h ? ̙33r 00C9?G IJ{M[O;QSceyop}r|Fj֥)UWY[u]a_MaŰmAm60( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0 DTahomaew RomaOh+'0 U px  8 D P \hpNo Slide TitleBill Wm. 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State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceededHz.8z8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constant  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-.q0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY[\]^_`abcdefghiprstuvwxz{|}~Root EntrydO)1PicturesrCurrent User>SummaryInformation(/PUPowerPoint Document(VDocumentSummaryInformation8n0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` PH<P#      #!" `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4AdAd :A 0\ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0}O_)ʚ; 3ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page .%&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   ZNAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceededHz.8z8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456r mŸ60(  ՜.+,0T    On-screen ShowNAUI WorldwideV{ Times New RomanArialTahoma MS MinchoArial Unicode MSBlank Presentation'Unit 1: Dive Safety Through EducationCStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:/National Association Of Underwater InstructorsNAUI Leadership TrainingDeveloping Leaders&Personal Leadership Style and Values+NAUI Values Of Leadership and InstructionThe NAUI Mission The NAUI CredoThe NAUI Credo (continued)The NAUI Credo (continued)The NAUI Credo (continued)The NAUI Credo (continued)The NAUI Credo (continued)-End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through EducationCStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles"_\V Mary StineMary Stinely improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456r m60( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0 DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` PH<P#      #!" `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4GdGd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0x~?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page .%&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceededHz.8z8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456r mK60( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0 DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` PH<P#      #!" `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4GdGd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0 ?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page .%&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceededHz.8z8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association Of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style And Values NAUI Values Of Leadership And Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456rK mKu|6 0( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0 DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` PH<P#      #!" `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4GdGd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0x~?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page  %&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceeded:z.8z.8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 4563  % F>0 ( $#""" l  C P   r  S       pA(Disk 1 L&I 007 copyp 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +  H( )pM@ Hl H C P   l H C   H H 0޽h ? ̙33   XP(  r  S XL P  L  x  c $YL   L    vA( Disk 1 L&I 007 copy 0  L H  0޽h ? ̙33r |W /r m|"60( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0 DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` XP @Q$      #!" $ `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4GdGd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0x~?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page  %&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceeded:z.8z.8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456rnmJ$60( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0" DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unic      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345ode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` XP @Q#      #!" $ `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4dd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0x~?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page  %&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceeded:z.8z.8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456D 0   (  R  3    X p   C X  0  X   X Superior Leadership and Instructor Training NAUI and its members are committed to providing the highest quality leadership and instructor training possible. Democratic Association of Equals The democratic process in regular elections determines our Association s leadership, its Board of Directors. Each member s views are equally important. We each have a responsibility and obligation to stay informed about our Association. Trust and Respect Superior Leadership and Instructor training are founded in the  Loved One concept. It is only those we would trust to train our loved ones to dive that we graduate at any leadership level. We collectively trust members to behave ethically, and we respect their abilities as NAUI Leaders and educators. Academic Freedom A cherished and fundamental right of educational leadership is the freedom to meet the academic needs of their students. NAUI members are encouraged to explore and discover new and innovative ways to help each student or diver they lead. Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Sharing our discoveries leads to ever improving training producing better generations of graduates with each completed course. Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Training These dynamics produce perpetually improving leadership and instructor training. -+" " s"  " " " " "  "   "  $"$ /("( ,", 0"0 4"4 8"8 <"< " " " ,"  " " " 1" " S "  $"$ ((   0Y @P * 2 H  0޽h ? ̙33rXm4Z%600( D/ 0|DTimes New Roman0:A 0DArialNew Roman0:A 0" DTahomaew Roman0:A 0"0DMS MinchoRoman0:A 01@DArial Unicode MS0:A 0"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` XP @Q#      #!" $ `R$ojpˎe?R$ly::bRjR$JKle7Z:?$R$OU! @ٗvfoCyR$;cWX4y!*$R$Frخs\?uCWK 0AA@d g4dd :A 0ppp@ g4dd :A 0<p@ pp<4!d!dL$ 0x~?O ʚ; f8ʚ;<4ddddLT# 08<4ddddLT# 08xr0___PPT10 2___PPT9/ 0? %O.= Unit 1- page  %&Unit 1: Dive Safety Through Education''(National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo ZHbBb$ b b*b"bbBBStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:0C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values.  .National Association Of Underwater Instructors"/.b(NAUI corporate structure and culture A worldwide, democratic, membership association Membership rights and privileges Be familiar with Section 1 of the NAUI S&P Manual Membership agreement As a member, you accept responsibility to maintain NAUI s reputation and quality%Z0Z!Z2ZZQZ% 0"!' Q   NAUI Leadership Training"b(5Primary goal of leadership training To become a NAUI member and a successful leader Four aspects of leadership training Acquire diving knowledge and skills Develop an effective personal leadership style Benefit from evaluation and coaching Gain experience under guidance of a NAUI Instructor License to learnp$Z1Z$ZZZ$1$ Developing Leaders"b(The making of a leader No one can make another a leader Leadership traits are personal The role of training To help you identify and develop your leadership traits Candidate s responsibility@" @" "" "   %Personal Leadership Style and Values"&%b(Conscious behavior is based on values, and personality Attitudes govern our behavior Your concern for divers in your care Diver safety is paramount Published standards Are minimum goals Are goals to be mastered and exceeded:z.8z.8 *NAUI Values Of Leadership and Instruction"+*b(Superior Leadership and Instructor Training Democratic Association of Equals Trust and Respect The  Loved One concept Academic Freedom Dynamic Growing Body of Knowledge and Skills Ever Improving Leadership and Instructor Trainingn_p_""""^" "  The NAUI Mission $b(To promote, through quality education, the techniques necessary for the general public to participate safely in underwater activities, and to educate those people in the preservation and protection of our underwater environment throughout their diving careers. ) The NAUI Credo"b(We believe: an individual should not be qualified as a NAUI Instructor unless those empowered to qualify the person would allow that person to teach their loved ones to dive. that the leadership power in NAUI should be controlled by a democratic process. NAUI Instructors are qualified professionals who educators who are granted academic freedom to teach diving in any reasonable manner as long as NAUI standards and policies are met.2 ZZ "* The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: NAUI Instructors may exceed NAUI standards in ways that do not jeopardize student safety. Examples include exceeding the number of required open water dives or increasing the academic content. in the principle of continuing education for divers. diving instructors should be constantly improving the courses they teach. in the educational concept of conditioning, i.e., the over learning of skills.( !ZZ+The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( buWe believe: any individual that possesses the mental and physical abilities to dive and the desire to do so can be taught to dive by a patient, capable NAUI Instructor. that developmental skills, exercises and games that do not have a direct application in actual diving can be used effectively during training. those that wish to learn to dive must have good water skills.$ !jv,The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that divers should not be totally dependent upon their equipment for their safety. anyone certified as a diver should be able to perform the basics of a rescue of a buddy. that standards, requirements and student needs are the governing factors controlling instruction. that it is more important to train a few students well than to certify many marginally trained divers. We further believe that educational quality must never be sacrificed for economic reasons. in student-centered learning.( !ZZ-The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: that the responsibility for safety should be gradually transferred from the instructor to the student. businesses and individuals are entitled to do business with whomever they choose and we do not demand that they be exclusive to NAUI. We do, however, expect NAUI members to represent and support the NAUI organization to at least the same extent they support any other organization. instructors and dive centers should profit from their instructional activities.( !ZZ.The NAUI Credo (continued)2b( bWe believe: in the traditional concept of the buddy system for diving. that proficiency in the skills of sharing air are essential to diver safety. that it is the duty of the officers, directors and employees of the association to meet the needs of the membership. it is the responsibility of every NAUI member to ensure the quality of NAUI instruction. every member has an obligation to report violations of NAUI standards.( !ZZ/ ,End of Unit 1 Dive Safety Through Education$-&National Association of Underwater Instructors NAUI Leadership Training Developing Leaders Personal Leadership Style and Values NAUI Values of Leadership and Instruction The NAUI Mission The NAUI Credo HbBb$ b b)b#bB BStudent Performance: By the end of the lesson you will be able to:8C(-Describe the NAUI organization and its culture. State the Association s motto and training philosophy. List NAUI s shared values. J/ 6    / 0 1 2 3 456r%mr%LV60