Welcome to USF College of Marine Science

The Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation

The Flood Hub is a first in Florida. Established by the state and based at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science, it bridges the gap between scientists, policymakers, practitioners, and the public to help communities mitigate and adapt to flooding risks. The Flood Hub’s goal is to improve flood forecasting and inform science-based policy, planning, and management decisions.

Learn more about the Flood Hub 




CMS in the News

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

During this expedition, the research vessel Falkor (too) discovered, mapped, and explored a new seamount.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

South Florida estuaries are warming 500% faster than global oceans, potentially altering critical habitats for marine life.

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In a recent paper, Joshua Kilborn modelled the Gulf of Mexico fishery ecosystem trends and trajectory over time and better understand the factors that influenced their evolution.

In a recent paper, Joshua Kilborn modelled the Gulf of Mexico fishery ecosystem trends and trajectory over time and better understand the factors that influenced their evolution. Click on the image to read more.