Tools & Resources

Flexible Work Assessment

Flexible Work Assessment: Employee and supervisor each fill out a version of the assessment; intended use to guide discussion

Flexible Work Policy and Agreement

Read USF's Flexible Workplace Policy and learn how to complete an agreement. 

RECOMMENDED TRAINING FOR ALL EMPLOYEES USF Policy, Eligibility & Equipment, Remote Safety & Security, Communication, Tips for  Supervisors

LinkedIn Learning

 LinkedIn Learning: Access post-COVID and remote work topics from this curated list.

Remote Readiness

Remote Workplace Readiness Questionnaire: Intended for leaders assessing department structure

RECOMMENDED TRAINING FOR ALL LEADERS Comprehensive guide covers current research and best practices  

Performance Management

RECOMMENDED RESOURCE FOR ALL LEADERS USF's Performance Management procedures, the yearly cycle, SMART goals and more.

"All About Job Duties" Runtime: 4 minutes 

Working beyond COVID

Working Beyond COVID 19: Access this page of current HR topics 

  Rocky thinking



For questions about returning to campus, see USF's official Returning to Campus page with COVID updates.

For questions about the , contact Employee Relations at

For questions about accommodations (ADA), contact

For questions about the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), contact

For questions about the resources provided here, contact Learning & Talent Development at