Got Questions?

Hurricane Questions

Students impacted by the hurricanes who have a loss of parental or personal income, or who have additional expenses due to the hurricanes, should contact the financial aid office to discuss their options. Students who haven't completed the should do so if they want to access financial aid for assistance.

I had unexpected expenses directly related to the impact of Hurricanes Helene and/or Milton. Is there financial assistance available?

You may be eligible for one-time funding up to $1,500 to assist you with unexpected expenses related to the hurricane(s). Examples are:

  • Displaced temporarily due to damage to your housing requiring you to seek other housing due to the storm or evacuation;
  • Loss of transportation, or additional transportation expenses to evacuate;
  • Additional expenses for food because of loss due to the power outages;
  • Loss of personal or miscellaneous items due to flooding or storm damage;
  • Loss of school supplies or personal computer for classes;
  • Other storm-related expenses.

You may submit the for review of your expenses. Please provide a detailed explanation of the expenses directly related to the storm(s).

Can my financial aid be reviewed for additional funds if I didn't qualify for Fund-A-Bull funds, or those funds are not enough to assist me with my school-related expenses due to the impact of the hurricanes?

A student affected by recent hurricanes can submit a special circumstance form to request an increase in their overall cost of attendance due to storm-related expenses. These expenses may include costs for books and supplies, food and housing, transportation, or personal/miscellaneous items necessary for their studies.  The increase will not affect the amount of gift aid a student receives, but it will allow the student to raise their student loan amounts if they have remaining eligibility.  The form is on our website: . Once completed, you can upload your document through our convenient “Document Upload” link.

What should I do if my parent lost their job, or their income has decreased due to the hurricane? Additionally, what steps should I take if my own income has been reduced or lost because of the hurricane?

A student who has lost their job, or whose parent has lost their job or experienced a reduction in income due to the hurricane, can complete a special circumstance form to determine if their overall Student Aid Index (SAI) from FAFSA has changed. This may make the student eligible for additional gift aid, student loans, or both.  If your parent lost their job, or had a reduction in income, you can complete the “” form. If you lost your job, or had a reduction in income, you can complete the “” form.  Once completed, you can upload your document through our convenient “Document Upload” link.

What resources are available on campus?

  • Students can access free food at each campus Feed-A-Bull Food Panty.  Information about each pantry can be accessed here
  • Students wanting more information about on and off campus non-monetary resources can schedule a 1:1 appointment with a Bull2Bull counselor here.

I am receiving financial aid and am unable to complete my semester and need to withdraw from my courses.  What should I do?

  • Reach out to an academic advocate to discuss your academic options.  Academic advocates are ready to help students in academic distress via this or email at
  • You should reach out to the financial aid office prior to withdrawing to determine how this will impact your current and future financial aid eligibility. 
  • If after meeting with an academic advocate and speaking with financial aid, you still need to withdraw from your classes, please see the Office of the Registrar for more information on the process.

Will my tuition be adjusted if I must withdraw from my courses?

Please visit the Office of the Registrar website for more information regarding fee adjustments.