

Faculty Senate


Faculty Council on Student Admissions

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The Faculty Council on Student Admissions (FCSA) serves as an advisory body to the Provost on matters pertaining to policies, principles, and regulations affecting the selection and admission of undergraduate students. Its responsibilities include: making recommendations to the Provost on policies and procedures regarding the admission of undergraduate students, serving as liaison for general faculty concerns regarding undergraduate admissions policies and procedures, considering and making recommendations on other admissions matters that may be referred to it by the Provost and/or the Dean of Admissions, and serving as an appellate body for undergraduate applicants who have been denied admission and who have petitioned for a waiver of standard criteria and reconsideration of admission. Most of our time is spent on the latter part of the charge.

In 2021, the Council has reviewed 81 applicant appeals, including 53 First Time in College and 28 Transfer appeals. Of those, 18 students were admitted and subsequently enrolled at USF.

Committee representatives include faculty, administrators, staff, and students. Currently, the CSA is headed by Chair Katie Tricarico, PhD, Instructor II, College of Education, Tampa Campus. More information on the FCSA charge can be found here.

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Faculty Senate News

The Faculty Senate News will highlight the work of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Faculty Senate Councils, and share other information related to faculty governance at USF.