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CBCS Faculty Contribute to Research on Health Vulnerabilities of Korean Americans


David Chiriboga, PhD

 David Chiriboga, PhD

 Nan Sook Park, Ph.D., MSW, MS

Nan Sook Park, Ph.D., MSW, MS

(School of Social Work) and Professor David Chiriboga (Child & Family Studies) are part of an international team of scholars researching mental and physical health vulnerabilities of older Koreans in Korea and the US. Already in 2021 they have amassed a credible record of publications and presentations listed below.

Articles in Peer Review Journals: 

  • Jang, Y., Choi, E. Y., Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., Duan, L., & Kim, M. T. (2021, accepted). Cognitive health risks posed by social isolation and loneliness in older Korean Americans. BMC Geriatrics
  • Jang, Y., Yoon, H., Li, M., Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., Wu, B., Dong, X., & Kim, M. K. (2021). Self-rated health as a mediator between physical health conditions and depressive symptoms in older Chinese and Korean Americans. PLOS ONE, 16(1): e0245136.
  • Park, N. S., Jang, Y., Rhee, M. K., Yoon, H., & Chiriboga, D. A. (2021). Knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and awareness of Alzheimer’s disease-related services in older Korean Americans: The role of social capital. , 40(2), 220-227.
  • Jang, Y., Choi, E. Y., Franco, Y.,  Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., & Kim, M,T. (2021). Discordance between subjective and objective cognitive function in older Korean Americans. Journal of Aging and Health.
  • Jang, Y., Choi, E. Y., Park, J., Cho, Y. J., Park, N. S., & Chiriboga, D. A. (2021). Social isolation in Asian Americans: Risks associated with socio-demographic, health, and immigration factors. . doi: 10.1080/13557858.2021.1881765

Other Publications:

  • Chung, S., & Park, N.S. (2021). Intergenerational issues in a changing society of South Korea [Editorial]. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 19(1). 

Conference Presentations:

  • Jang, Y., Choi, E. Y., Park, J., Cho, Y. J., Park, N. S., & Chiriboga, D. A. Social isolation in Asian Americans: Risks associated with socio-demographic, health, and immigration factors. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research [Virtual]. 
  • Jang, Y., Powers, D. A., Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., Chi, I., & Lubben, J. (2021, January). Performance of an abbreviated Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS−6) among three ethnic groups of older Asian Americans. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research [Virtual]. 
  • Park, N. S., Chung, S., & Chiriboga (2021, January). Intergenerational differences in the effect of social relationships on loneliness among Korean adults. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research [Virtual].  Park, N. S., Jang, Y., Chiriboga, D. A., & Yoon, J. (2021, January). The relationship of social isolation with mental distress among older Korean Americans: The role of positive social environment. Poster presented at the  25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research [Virtual].